From Petra's diary
I've been living in Tech Sixam for a few months now, and I'd say I've gotten used to the local routine by now. Here the electrical supply is very reliable, after all we're very close to the first star core power plant ever built. On the other hand, however, water is rationed in the afternoon hours almost daily to preserve the little water supplies remaining in the region. Luckily in the last week it rained a bit, I hope that it can provide some relief at least to the farmers who work north of here.
And to think that here in Tech Sixam we're doing much, much better than in most other places. If there's a place with the technology and economic resources to fight back climate change it's definitely this one, so we need to hurry up.
If only that gear didn't get stuck all the time, c'mon...
Luckily, in the midst of all these worries, Emy is always there to cheer me up (and vice-versa).
She's been looking for a place to rent and live independently since when we graduated, but she never managed to find a permanent place. We didn't plan to rush and immediately move in together: it's a big deal after all, and even though we have known each other since ever and even shared a room in college, our relationship is still at its very early stages and making big decisions about our future is still a bit scary. However, after many frustrating weeks without any renting ads online, we decided it was probably the best option. It's not like I'd ever leave her homeless, and she was already spending a lot of time in here anyway.
On the other hand, being able to spend so much time with her is great for me, and I have to admit that now I'm definitely more impatient to get home from work than I was before.
And I sincerely hope that I can be of support to her too, especially now. As the months go by, she has fewer and fewer doubts about herself, to the point that talking about it with her parents starts to feel more and more urgent to her. This perspective still scares her a lot, though.
So, when a few nights later I came home to find her sitting on the sofa, with the most thoughtful expression ever, it didn't take me long to figure out what must have happened. I didn't even take off my dirty work overalls, to go straight to sit next to her, ready to listen.
Emma: Let's just say that mom didn't take it well. Like, not at all.
Petra: I'm really sorry, it's not fair that she treats you, and— Mike!? When did you arrive?
Michael: Hi, I was passing nearby and I thought I'd stop by to say hello. Am I bothering you?
Petra: Well, Emy was just telling me about, um...
Emma: It's not a secret. Today I came out to my mom, but it didn't go well at all.
Michael: Oh.
Emma's firm response surprised me. At first, I feared she might feel sad, but above all she looked fuming mad instead. As if to confirm that impression, she then added:
Emma: I don't know if I did the right thing or not. But you know how she is, she kept repeating: "It's just a phase, you need to be more patient," and: "You'll find someone to have children with and start a family"... And I couldn't stand there just listening any longer!
Emma: She's always so patronising with me, as if she knew me better than I do! She's also so fixated on me having a normal family and children, that it always comes up with her! And she's ignorant on the subject too, as if here in New Sixam it was a problem for us to have children!
And, at that statement, silence fell on the room. Mike seemed really embarrassed, the more the conversation went on the more he realized he really shouldn't be there.
And I didn't know how to respond either. I mean, we had never talked about children before, it still seemed early to do so!
And yet I knew very well that, with Tech Sixam's medical technology, it wouldn't be difficult at all for us. We could use the same type of insemination that my mom used to have me and my brothers, only in this case the starting genetic material would be mine and Emy's. And I also know very well that Emy would want children in the future. After all, she likes children so much that she's specializing in paediatrics!
Emy made her opinion on the subject clear enough already, the one who never said anything about it was... me.
Petra: ... Mike, I'm sorry, but this conversation could be a bit too private to share.
Michael: Very clear. See you!
At least Mike seemed relieved to leave, and we could start talking about it for real.
Emma: Sorry, I know it's too early to talk about it... But to me it's important, and my mom really upset me when she told me those things.
Petra: Of course, I understand.
Emma: (cautiously) Now that I think about it, though, I've never heard you say much about it.
Petra: Indeed...
Petra: Well, I don't really think about it often... But it's mostly because it's something I would start considering for real later in life, you know?
Emma: I see...
Petra: And then, to be totally honest... I can't really avoid thinking about the times we're living in. The economic crisis is terrible at the moment, food is often lacking, and natural disasters are more unpredictable than ever... And even everyday life is becoming a mess, with the water rationing in particular. And there is no sign of improvement in sight, on the contrary. Would it really be right to bring more people into this world in such circumstances?
Emma: ...
Petra: (worried) I-I mean, I'm not saying no! It's just that I think it's something to plan very carefully. That's it.
Emma: ...
Emy didn't say anything for a while, she seemed absorbed in her thoughts.
Emma: (with a sigh) Well, you're not entirely wrong about that.
Having said that, she went upstairs without another word. I didn't know what to do, should I have followed her? Or, rather, give her some time to digest all the harsh conversations she had that day? She's the one who's good at these things, not me, it's so difficult...
She joined me about an hour later, to help prepare dinner. She seemed even more thoughtful than when she left, I absolutely had to fix that.
Emma: Do you need a hand?
Petra: Thanks. Since this time at the market we mostly found fruit, I was thinking of making a fruit salad.
Emma: All right.
Say something, Petra, anything!
Petra: (cautiously) Emy, about before... I'm sorry, probably I shouldn't have spoken that way. I mean, who knows how the situation will evolve in the next years? And then, we don't necessarily have to decide today, do we?
Emma: Uhm.
Petra: Rather, today is still an important day, in the good and in the bad what you said to your mom is a huge step!
Emma: Uhm, yes, probably yes. Above all, I couldn't stand telling her all those lies anymore...
Emma: Honestly, I'm a bit sorry seeing her so upset... But I won't live the life she wants just to make her happy, if she disapproves it's more her problem than mine.
I nodded immediately, I totally agreed with her on this point. Everyone would like to get along with their parents, but, unfortunately, that's not always the case. And, in those instances, I think it's right to take your own path.
Today has been a strange day, a lot of what has been said today will have important consequences for the future... It was hard, but we still took a step forward. We've only been together for a few months, maybe it's still too early to talk about family and children... But that doesn't mean that, one step after another, we can't get there too.
§HermioneSims§ corner
Very short comment today: I mostly want to specify that Mike invited himself during the central scene of this chapter, he just popped out from nowhere when I was taking the screenshots for the scene and I ended up going along with it XD