Other short stories

This post is meant as a directory to my shorter stories I wrote either for some contest or for fun.

Roles Reversal 
My first one-shot story is the translation of my entry to the "The Sims Short Stories" contest (link here). Do you ever feel like you have been a bit too cruel with your sims? And, if your sims were of the same advice, what would they decide to do? The answer could be in this story, then don't tell me I didn't warn you!

The monthly Simlit Short Story Challenge has been long-running competition for short stories. You can find more details about it in its blog (here) and in the forum thread (here). I've participated a few times, and here are my entries:

January 2022: New Horizons
February 2022: Escape Plan
March 2022: Liquid Luck
April 2022: Double Faces

Timmy is my test sim, I originally created him to test Strangerville. Then he had to go though mermaids, hunted houses, werewolves... And the signs of all those (dis)adventures are starting to show for him too. Here's a brief collection of his past adventures in (mostly) chronological order, have fun!

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