Chapter 1.11: The handbook for little aliens

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Sylvia: well, she is very, very... ehm... Green.

When Luna arrived home, Sylvia decided to perform a medical examination on her, just to get an idea of ​​what we should expect. Most of her organs looked similar to ours, the only differences she could notice were the green skin colour, the monochromatic eyes, and the pointed ears.

At least we quickly found out how to feed her, apparently I can breastfeed her. This situation is getting weirder and weirder every day that passes, but at least it seems effective.

Alien or not she's a lively child, no doubt about it.

Milo, on the other hand, didn't seem very happy to meet Luna, he's been throwing tantrums all day. Come on, soon you'll be able to play with her, aren't you happy?

Albeit the evidently weird situation, we are doing whatever we can to don't make him feel neglected. He still needs us, after all. 
Above all, I'm extremely grateful to Sylvia, despite the oddities piling up in my life she's always helped me, without any hesitation. She is very strong, every day I'm more convinced of it.

Back to the lab, I walked straight into the first office of the corridor, demanding a complete explanation to the first colleague I met on my way. I had just given birth to a little alien who now was living at my place, how could they still hide me any detail?

Stuart: Why are you so reluctant to tell me everything? I can't stand this anymore, you know? Or do you prefer me to call the police?
Colleague: ... just calm down, it's for your own good, I swear. (Whispering) You don't want to enrage them, do you?

My colleague then looked around with a concerned expression on his face, just to be sure no one was listening. Then, whispering so softly I could barely hear him, he told me all he knew.

So I discovered that those aliens were a parasitic species, they needed our species to be able to reproduce. They found in the Earth a suitable planet for their colonization, started to "seed" its inhabitants, and let their children grow with us while they continue to travel to do their top-secret alien stuff. They were a sort of interplanetary cuckoo birds, in practice.

The purpose of the laboratory, on the other hand, was to provide them with a docking base and to supply them with the materials they needed. All the analyzes and syntheses we are doing, the machinery we are assembling and the resources we are gathering are meant to support their activities. Furthermore, we humans working in their labs were the perfect specimens to be "pollinated", because we already knew of their existence and, consequently, we were the most suited ones to raise their children without spreading the awareness of their subtle alien colonization into the general population.

Aliens were able to blend perfectly with the native species of the planet they were colonizing, their disguises could be so effective that only a careful medical examination could point out their true nature.
The secret reports in the lab archives show that 0.01% of the Earth's population was actually made up of aliens in disguise nowadays, all born since their first arrival on Earth about 10 years ago.
Most of my colleagues in the lab had gone through the same experiences as I did, but no one reported them to the police nor did anything else because...

Colleague: they can modify your memory. If they think you've become a threat, they'll erase your memory and start all over again.
Stuart: And what can we do?
Colleague: right now, not much. But, as we continue to appear collaborative with them, we could keep our memories for long enough to make a plan. By learning how all this alien technology works, we might be able to put together something that is useful to us, don't you agree? Or, at least, that's the only solution we've been able to think of.

Erase and modify our memory... No doubt about it, those aliens were smart. They really tricked us, whether we obey their rules or if we don't, we would always end doing whatever they have planned for us.

But there has to be a way out, there have to be one. And, whatever the cost, we would have found it!


  1. The design for Stuart really fits his 'introverted science geek' persona : P
    I really like the pacing about the eventual 'researching alien activity', and that Stuart is expected to do all this other stuff at the lab first even though he just wants to dive straight in, and the initial ominous things about the lab. I love when he adopted the stray cat, and that one picture him looking apprehensively at the little kitty : P The shot just after of the two just looking at each other is so cute. Stuart and Sylvia both seem pretty lonely so it's nice they get to spend Winterfest in each other's company. I was hoping they'd have a Winterfest kiss 🥰🥰 I'm glad he finally got to summon the aliens to his house!
    The touch with the aliens giving the government technology in return for resources is a cool touch, but it reminds me of AHS: Death Valley a bit, so makes me wonder what dubious things the goverment might be up to with that alien tech. I had a feeling he'd get abducted, a guy in the Scientist career? Do I hear the pitter-patter of tiny green extraterrestrial feet on the way? It's going to be busy if both Sylvia and Stuart are both having a baby! The alien pregnancy related moodlets gave me a giggle at first. Both babies are adorable! The reveal of the true intent of the aliens was a surprise, I didn't expect the guys at the lab to tell Stuart anything at all. I'm sure the government will enjoy finding out how to erase people's memories, and they'll probably discard the aliens wholly once they get everything they want.
    Enjoyed reading this, aliens have always been a favourite occult of mine!

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment! :) I like to play with aliens a lot too, I practically started to play with them (the first time I loaded The Sims I ended playing the Curious Family in TS2, they make me feel so nostalgic... )

      For sure Stuart is regretting more and more his carrer choices every passing day, as he realises that aliens are much more dangerous than how he imagined them...
      At least now his collegues are starting to share the information they have with him, he is too involved in the aliens plan to be left apart at this point. The only sincere explanation he got up to this point seems to be this last one describing the aliens' nature, who knows about their real ties with the human government... if there really is any, of course.

  2. It's good to see Stuart finally being told about what's goin on, but it's really scary... I hope he won't come to resent Luna because of the way the other aliens act. Hopefully, they can regain their freedom? and not live in fear of having their memories erased. His job has turned out to be extremely scary. I've had the Sims 4 since the beginning, but I've never played with aliens in my game so this legacy is interesting/fun to read. :)

    1. Aliens in this game can be either very scary or very funny, depending on the way you're playing XD To find new ideas to cover a whole legacy on aliens still requires some creativity on my side, thought.

      As for the rest, we are still midway throught the first generation, lots still has to happen. Who knows what I have in mind for them...

  3. Ooooh, that's scary. So that's what is really going on there. They can't reproduce by themselves, so they're taking sims and procreating that way instead. And if the sims put up a fuss, they wipe their memories. ooooh, that's so disturbing. I wonder if the kids that are created that way are aware of what's going on? Will they grow up without knowing, or will they be told by their alien parents? Or will the aliens take them away from the sims when they're big enough?

    1. The aliens' plan it's definitively disturbing, and Stuart & co are just wondering the same things right now...
