Chapter 1.19: Farewell

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Dear Diary, I sadly have to start on a sad note. Unfortunately, our beloved Nacho passed away during the night. 

Who knows whose fridges he'll be jumping on now... It's impressive, he's lived with us for so long we feel like his spirit is still here with us.

Taco and Mango look so much like him, in some moments it is so easy to mistake them for him. And, when we realize our error, we just feel even sadder, for sure all of us are going to miss a lot that old ball of fur...

As an attempt to cheer up the kids a bit, we decided to spend a day at the park. It was a beautiful sunny day, Nacho would have had a lot of fun chasing the lizards among those stones and bushes...

About midday, Luna approached me with a grave expression on her little face. It wasn't just the sadness for the loss of our cat, thinking about it she had been speaking less than usual for a couple of days already. What could have worried her?

Luna: ... Dad, I don't understand: why don't others know about us aliens?
Stuart: It's a long story... Mostly, people don't know this because the older aliens don't want anyone to know about them.
Luna: But why?
Stuart: Well...
Luna: They're not doing something bad, are they?

She is just a child, how can I explain such a situation to her? But she's smart too, and she's starting to put together the information she knows. And what she managed to understand scares her a lot, because it would imply that...

Luna : (almost in tears) Dad... But if aliens are bad, does it mean that I'm bad too?
Stuart: Of course you're not! You never hurt anyone, did you?
Luna : (unsure) ...
Stuart: Some other aliens may have decided to do bad things, but you have nothing to do with all this.

Then I hugged her tightly, I don't know which of the two needed comfort the most at that moment.

Luna: Why can't you just explain to me what's happening?
Stuart: Well... It's a bit too complicated for a child, sorry. But I will tell you everything, when you will be older.
Luna: Do you promise me?
Stuart: Sure.

Shortly after, we celebrated Milo's birthday.

Now my kid turned into a boy, he's almost as tall as me at this point. Time flights, that's for sure.

The next day I was back in the laboratory.

I got promoted again, now I'm the head of the research and supplies group. I'm working more and more everyday, but my colleagues are just ignoring my efforts and started to call me with the nickname "mad scientist" instead. Just because I make some experiment every now and then, what an exaggeration...

My only friend left in this place is the inventions' machine, isn't it Sophia?

Colleague: Well, we're not entirely wrong at calling you a mad scientist. You spend whole days controlling our minds with that simray!
Stuart: C'mon, it's not such a big deal! I need to test it a bit, before being able to use it to control the aliens!

Colleague: Why cloning Richard then?
Stuart: I wanted to verify whether it also works on people or not, isn't it obvious?
Colleague: Ok, but what is he supposed to do with his clone now?
Stuart: Well, admittedly that wasn't exactly the outcome I was expecting...

Colleague: And then you also keep using us as test subjects for your weird serums! Why always Richard, by the way?
Stuart: This wasn't completely expected, either. 

I really can't understand my colleagues anymore, don't they realize that we need to test the new technology we are collecting, and that we need to do it quickly?
Even if they are not particularly helpful, I haven't surrendered yet, and I also start to have some ideas which could help us against the aliens. Now they call me "mad scientist", but they will eventually realize that I'm on the right side!

§HermioneSims§ corner:

This chapter was so sad to write, poor Nacho! However, you have to know that I was lucky enough to immediately meet his ghost, and to ask him to join again the household. So, even if others won't be able to see him anymore, he will continue to follow the adventures of this weird family from the heights of his beloved fridge. 


  1. Woo, they got married! Let's hope his plan to keep the aliens at bay works for now, and I hope that they can find the cat too ;-; So Stuart is the boss man now! Although with the potential threat of the aliens, that's a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. Aww, new kitties! I laughed so hard at Milo turning his nose up at the video game and 'that's what the guy at the games store told me'- hey Stuart, you did your best and that's what matters! We will miss little Nacho, poor kitty ;-;
    Luna's in the middle of something that could get pretty bad. With the aliens and humans and their tension, someone who in a way is born in both worlds, metaphorically speaking, is going to have a hard time. I love that he went ahead and cloned his colleague XD That's one way to hire new staff. I understand that Stuart needs to try and balance time and good research as much as possible, but part of me wonders if his rushing might make him slip up and make an error that the aliens could potentially exploit later on : O

    1. There is a lot going on, and the next few chapters will surely be fundamental to start to untangle some nots in this plot...

      Some of my older readers invented for me the nickname "the evil-est" because they think that the catastrophes I invent for my characters are so cruel, but I don't think to be that bad with them instead... We will see whether in the next few chapters you will agree with them or not :P

  2. Oh geez, I have to agree with Stuart’s colleagues there, he really is a bit of a mad scientist 🤣 the pictures of Richard with his clone made me laugh. They really have a lot to endure from him. But if it helps with the aliens in the long run, well… err, the end justifies the means?

    Aw, Nacho 😭 pets passing away is so sad.

  3. Poor Nacho (RIP) and poor Luna. Luna seems to a pawn of the older aliens. I hope they don't try to use her to hurt her family. She already has worries that don't fit her age. But at least Milo grew up well.
