Chapter 6.4: New Horizons

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From Cassy's diary

Venus: I have no idea about what's going on, I'm just happy seeing you in good health again!
Cassy: Actually I don't remember much of what happened, it seemed like such a strange dream… I'm pretty sure there were a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. 
Venus: ...
Cassy: Bah, I've never been good at remembering dreams, I've already forgotten most of it... Anyway, I'm pretty happy to be here as well.


From Sirio's diary

What happened to mom is a real mystery, I don't know how else to define it. We had just been told by the doctors that there wasn't anything to do anymore, then a moment later aunt started reading that old dusty book and… “poof! ”, mom reappeared healthier and stronger than before. I don't think I've ever been more relieved in my life, but also more confused.

Losing Toq, my dad, had already hit me hard a few months ago, but losing mom too so soon would have simply been too much for me to handle. 

And I'm not the only one feeling this way at home at the moment. I can't read their emotion the way I do with the others, but lately Techna is undoubtedly very sad too.

They are fond of everyone here at home, but the person they were closest to was clearly Steve. He was the one to build them, after all, and he also fine-tuned all of their components. Also, he had been the first one to treat them not as an inanimated robot, but with the same respect he would use with any other person. Basically, for Techna Steve had been a bit like a dad, and they are mourning over his loss just like we are doing.

Techna: … What should I do now? I'm just a robot without its creator…
Sirio: I think uncle would have wanted you to do whatever you wanted to. There isn't anything holding you back, you know. 
Techna: …
Sirio: Don't worry, you have all the time to think about it.
Techna: Just like you're doing?
Sirio: You're always a good observer… But yes, I'm thinking about it too.

On the one hand, the choice to make seems obvious to me. But, on the other, it would be so difficult to follow that path… Would I really be able to drop everything and leave?

The list of things that could go wrong seems so long… But, down deep, I also feel like I would regret it if I gave up before even trying.

Sirio: I'd hate to leave you and aunt Venus alone, especially now that Toq and uncle Steve are… you know...
Cassy: (thoughtful) It may have been just a dream, but… well, after that near-death experience, I have the feeling that they were there too, all together. And this also makes it easier for me to face the situation, because now I think that it was just a "see you soon", and not a "farewell".
Sirio: …
Cassy: And I also think that, in some ways, what you say makes sense, this could be the perfect opportunity to spend some more time with you, and with Venus, Halley, Techna… and all the others.
Sirio: …
Cassy: But I don't want to be the weight that stops you from starting your journey. The other nations are opening the borders just enough to allow us to travel there, and at your age it's important to see new places, and to understand which path might be the best for you!

Sirio: But…
Cassy: (encouraging) ... And then with the internet, teleportation, and everything else, what's the deal even if you go live abroad? You could easily see us every day, if you want to!

Florian: What, do you really want to move so far away? You're really serious about this idea of becoming a painter then...

He looked puzzled, like most of my other old schoolmates. For them, the rest of the globe may be an interesting place to visit, but living there? All those countries are so backwards in comparison with New Sixam, "what do I hope to find in there?", they wonder.

Sirio: I know it won't be easy at all… But I want to see those things in person, really.

Florian: Good luck then!
Sirio: Now who's the one who hugs people too often?
Florian: I guess I've learnt from someone, isn't it?

By now my room, and all of New Sixam, seem so small and insignificant... It's incredible to think that we can easily teleport to any corner of the universe, but that diplomatic relations make it so difficult for us to travel to the rest of this planet. The other nations have so much history, art, ideas, and so forth, it's such a shame to be limited to the small portion of it contained within our borders...

Trade relations with other countries are intensifying, especially now that Nuova Sixam invented that plant using the Sixam star to obtain both electricity and raw materials. But we still need a visa to get out of New Sixam, and it takes months and good reasons to get one.

It's going to be quite a grind to get out of here legally. Many think that using a disguise still is the easiest way, just like we did on that camping trip years ago. However, that experience really taught me how scary it can be if anyone founds out about your secret. 

No, after that experience I think I wouldn't be able to build a fake identity revolving around a disguise. It's the right thing to do, and that's enough.

And there's another thing that now seems right to me, which is...

Sirio: So, Techna, did you have any idea about what you would like to do next?
Techna: Am, actually I don't know… I think I still have many things to learn, but I don't know where to start...

Sirio: Come with me to Sim City, then!
Techna: Who, me? Seriously?
Sirio: There are so many things to try in there, you'll certainly find your path too!

Techna elaborated on his answer for almost a minute, the fan cooling their CPU spun remarkably fast all the time. Then, suddenly, they answer by saying:

Techna: … all right, I'll come with you!


And that's how Techna and I ended up living together in a tiny apartment in Sim City. We had to answer a lot of renting ads before finding someone willing to accept a sixamian with a squid head and a robot and, to be honest, I'm quite sure that this place it's old and worn out even by the local standards. Just to make a few examples, the power outlet is barely enough to recharge our teleportation device or Techna's own battery, and I'm pretty sure there could be something living in that small hole in the wall. 

As all my friends thought when I told them about my project: "what else were I expecting?"
Not much more, honestly. But it's not the apartment the reason why I came here.

In this same neighbourhood there is one of the largest art galleries in the city. I think it's a good starting point, isn't it?

Techna: In here we will need to repair a few things…
Sirio: You say? I don't understand much about repairs, I'm sorry.

I was very tired the first few days, I had so many boxes to move around, and then the traffic noise never stops here, the faucet is leaking and the bed is also uncomfortable... However, today I can't help but feel euphoric! It's the first time I live alone, in a new place to discover, how could I not be?

Sirio: Look at how much stuff they sell here!

This place is so full of people, tons of people doing their best to ignore each other. For me it's impossible to do the same instead, it's so easy to perceive how many of them are happy, sad, bored, anxious and whatnot. Who knows what happened to this guy clearly looking depressed, for example…

Sirio: First of all I want to go see the art gallery! Do you want to come too?
Techna: Okay.

At that moment another guy was sitting right next to us, even though he didn't even seem to notice me. Everyone here is always so deep in their thought, that's undeniable.

Sirio: Good afternoon sir, how...

???: (uncomfortable) Ah, I didn't realize you were an alien… Sorry for bothering you...
Sirio: But...

Um, I don't really know what to think about this kind of encounter. Maybe the best thing I can do while in here is to stop focusing on all the small things happening around me, and point straight to what I came for instead.

Sirio: These are so modern, we don't have anything like this back home! What do you think, Techna?
Techna: Um… I don't think I understand much about contemporary art, you know Sirio?

Sirio: These are precisely the colours of this city, this painter really managed to enclose all of this gigantic city within two square meters of canvas!

Techna: Um, this is a bit scary...

This art gallery is so lively, all the opposite of the desert one in New Sixam! And every single piece of art in here is so avant-guarde! Even if it took a week, or a whole month, I want to see every single painting on these walls with all the care I'm capable of!

I also found a couple of people doing graffiti in the back, and asked if I could help out as well.

???: hey, are you one of those aliens from Nuova Sixam?
Sirio: yes.
???: Ha.

People have very varied reactions when they realize I'm a Sixamian. Some seem hostile, some scared, some confused or curious. The landlord was the most suspicious of them all. And to think that I'm always trying to keep a hat on so they don't even see my tendrils, otherwise who knows what they'd think... 
Too bad they don't know how much I'd give just to be ignored for a while, just like they do with anyone else in here.

Outside New Sixam there are a few hybrids, they have always been allowed to remain here because they are only different from regular humans for their colourful skin tones. At least they seem less wary of me, all things considered.

? ?: Hey, you're that Sixamian the whole gallery is talking about!
Sirio: Yes. Are you from this city instead?
? ?: (serious) Yes. And I may have a suggestion for you, too.
Sirio: Uh?
? ?: They may even have granted you a visa and residence permit to stay here in Sim City for a while, 
but people in here won't trust you. Not at all. I don't want to discourage you, but I don't think you'll find any luck here.
Sirio: … I already noticed it myself. But thanks for the advice.

Maybe this is going to be harder than I expected, after all...

Such a big city, where hardly anyone really seems to trust me… did I really make the right choice?

Sirio: Hi mom, is everything okay there? Oh, seriously? Uhm uhm…

Sirio: How are things in here instead, you say? Well… it didn't take us long to unbox everything, Techna is very efficient in these things. Ah, and we've already seen the art gallery, it's just a few streets away, and there are some crazy paintings over there!

I have the impression that mom wasn't entirely convinced, because she answered me in the most encouraging tone of hers, saying: "Good luck, you'll see that tomorrow will be better!". Even without my enhanced empathy she always manages to read me like an open book, that's for sure...

But this is just the first week, I still have so much to see, to learn, to try. So I'll take all her "good luck" wishes, and focus on those for the months being, I don't have any intention to leave anytime soon!


§HermioneSims§ corner

There were a lot of changes in this chapter, isn't it? 

All I want to comment about is that, of course, Nacho the ghost cat joined Sirio and Techna as well, even if they didn't notice (of course). Also, Nacho really wanted me to specify that he is extremely disappointed because he ended up living in a dump again. And I'm quite literal when saying dump...

Nacho, attack!


  1. I'm glad Nacho moved too and that the art gallery in Sim City lives up to Sirio's expectations. :) However, I am concerned about him being alone, in a not-so-nice place, where people are cruel and prejudiced towards him. I hope he's able to visit home from time-to-time or at least that he continues to keep in touch with his family by phone.

    1. Thanks for this and all the previous comments!

      Sirio really made a big step at the beginning of Gen 6, and he's quickly realising that living alone in the big city comes with a lot of pros and cons. Anyway, you don't need to worry about him drifting apart from his family in New Sixam too much. I'm Italian, for us not to call our family once a day or so it's just unthinkable XD

      (PS and I'm very glad to see another Nacho fan, he may be my favourite character if we consider the legacy as a single very long story :P )
