Chapter 8.28: Finding a balance

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Rowan: Gaia, dinner is ready!

Gaia: Oops, you almost made me fall!

The months pass, I have recently started working at the university as an adjunct professor after applying for that position. It's tiring, but doable, and little by little we're managing to find a new rhythm that works for the whole family. Considering that also Juno's schedule is starting to be a bit more regular, I'd almost dare to say that we're also managing some more free time in these months.

Of the three, the one who just can't sit still is always Gaia. She continues to read that book series that is so popular among children her age, by now she must have read and reread at least a dozen of them.
We recently returned to Sulani, and spent a whole day teaching her how to climb palm trees. When she's in Sim City, however, she always runs outside and climbs on the monkey bars right after she returns back home from school. Then, of course, in the weekends we always end at some playground so that she can play with some other kids too. 

Gaia: I didn't know it also rained in New Sixam, isn't this a desert?

Thomas: It's an arid region, not a total desert!
Gaia: If you say so... 

River: I'm glad you came here to New Sixam this weekend. How are you doing?
Juno: Very well! Rowan in particular has some very good news, he can't wait to tell you about it, right Rowan?
River: Really? What's it about?
Rowan: (nods)  Yeah, well, in practice I've finally managed to change jobs. 
River: (surprised) Oh, I didn't know you had found anything else yet!
Rowan: Well, yeah, it was actually a bit of a sudden decision, so to speak.

So I told him about the seminar, the proposal they had made to me, and also about Juno's involvement. River listened attentively, he seemed happy for me.

River: It looks like Juno is having great suggestions for everyone lately… Right, Iris?
Iris: Yes, well…

Rowan: (perplexed) What do you mean?
Iris: The other day, at your fundraiser, Juno introduced me to one of her colleagues. She's not entirely wrong, he's a quite nice guy. And I can add he's very cute, too.
Juno: And so…
Iris: Well, I can't say much yet. But we went out for a date a few times. It was quite a lot of fun.
Juno: Great! I'm really happy for you!

So Iris and Juno started talking almost too quickly for me to follow, presumably about the former's recent dates. 
Luckily I wasn't expected to participate in that conversation, and instead I talked with River about the recent news in New Sixam. It seems like they had an election recently, and that the new President is planning a lot of changes to "face the new challenges of this century". Is this just an electoral slogan, or is this new President really willing to do something about climate change, pollution and the exploitation of natural resources?
I'll try to pay more attention to the New Sixam news in the next few months. River says he has the feeling that something interesting can come out of this, and I tend to trust his suggestions.


We said goodbye to Iris, River and the friends Gaia was playing with right before lunch, according to the weather forecast it was about to snow in Sim City and we didn't want to miss the now-rare opportunity to see it.

Gaia: It's so cool! And also so cold!
Juno: What do you prefer to do? Angels in the snow? Snowball fight? Making a snowman?
Gaia: I want to do everything!
Rowan: So let's start with making some snowmen, shall we?
Gaia: Yes, I have a fantastic idea in mind already!

Gaia didn't seem at all intimidated by the cold, and she immediately jumped headlong into this new cold white blanket called snow. I struggle a bit to relate to it, but it's also true that I saw snow for the first time when I was almost 25 years old. Let's say this is now exactly the climate I'm made for, even after all these years.

Juno: (jokingly) Mine is going to be the prettiest!
Gaia: It's not true, you'll see! Mine will be super cool!

It took us a while to finish the snowmen, by then all three were complaining about the frozen hands already.

Juno: Here it is! I'll call Popsicle! What do you plan to call yours instead, Rowan?
Rowan: Um...

Rowan: ... The one with an hat?
Juno: A little imagination, c'mon!
Gaia: Ah ah, finished! Tremble before Rocky!

Well, for sure there aren't many showmen like this in town...

A few months later, Millers house

Gaia: ... and I want chocolate decorations on it!
Juno: Got it! By the way, would you like to help me cook?
Gaia: Can I?
Juno: Sure. You're grown up now, aren't you?

Gaia: How long until it's ready?
Juno: Don't rush, it will take at least 30 minutes...
Gaia: What? Is it really that slow?

Juno: Here it is, the most beautiful cake in all of Sim City!

That's right, our little Gaia is less and less little by the day. Today is her birthday, and she invited some of her friends from school to have a nice party.

Rowan: Happy birthday!

The more time passes the more she looks like Juno, at least in her appearance. In her character, however...

Juno: ...and from tomorrow you will start going to high school, aren't you happy?

Gaia: Ah, yeah... Did you really have to remind me about it also today? 

By now I can't say there isn't any doubt any more, she really dislikes studying. But what she will learn in high school will be fundamental for building a cultural basis to understand the world around her and for her future career. Therefore, whether she wants it or not, we'll do our best to ensure she manages to reach her high school diploma. I'm afraid it will be a rough path though, don't you agree, my dear diary?


  1. I love seeing Rowan and Juno doing little things with Gaia ;-; It's what any good parent would do but it's too cute. And it makes me think of how much they've worked through with each other and healed from for Gaia's sake. Oh no...Not the TEENAGE YEARS! Good luck Rowan and Juno : P

    1. Thanks a lot for the comment, as always! The snowmen scene was too funny not to include it XD Also because soon after Gaia was too old to enjoy it anymore, teenager Gaia really is... *redacted*.


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