Chapter 8.34: Transition

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From Gaia's diary

??? : Hi Gaia! You haven't shown up in ages... Since when you've changed schools, now that I think about it!
Gaia: I do what I can, I'm quite busy...

Yes, studying in another city (well, country) takes up much more of my time than before, but it's also true that I'm spending way more time than before at mom's store. Not to mention the extra time to finish my homework, even though I almost don't notice it because I actually enjoy assembling and dismantling that stuff.

Gaia: And, anyway, from the social bunny messages it sounds like you all are meeting less often than before. Graduation is approaching for everyone, isn't it?
Jessica: Well, she's not entirely wrong about that.
Manuel: Yes, it's true.

Needless to say, we all headed home early, preparing for another long day.


Today we studied the theory of black holes, the one that explains how teleportation actually works. Let me say, my dear diary, that it is much more difficult than it seems... Luckily we don't need to really remember all the details to pass, but just to understand enough to be able to repair one of those devices.

As usual, once the lessons were over, Tommy and I returned to the store, where we now meet Matt every day. He's a nice guy, it's easy to chat with him.

Matt: Ah, so you like climbing? I'm training too, I'm planning a trip in a few months and I need to be in shape to reach the top! If you want, I could teach you something.
Gaia: (proud) Hey, I don't need lessons! I can beat the endurance challenge in the gym, and then I climb tall stuff since when dad taught me how to climb palm trees when I was little, so…

And I stopped immediately, realizing that maybe I shouldn't have told that part to one of dad's students. But Matt is the complete opposite of him, I always forget why he comes to the shop.

Matt: (holding back laughter) Mr Miller climbing a palm tree? Are you serious?
Gaia: Um, actually yes. It's because he grew up in Sulani, it's pretty normal over there, you know.
Matt: Okay, little squirrel. Well, I'm done for today, I'm going to train. (Joking) If you want to join, you'll find me at the gym!

Having said this he greeted me with a playful wink, and then left cheerfully.

Only when Matt closed the door behind him did I notice the less-than-cheerful aura that Tommy exuded after listening to that conversation, in silence.

Gaia: What's up this time?
Thomas: Well, but are you okay with this? He almost seems to be hitting at you, it's creepy!
Gaia: Even if, what's wrong?

Tommy seemed about to answer me in kind, but then shook his head with his usual fatalistic attitude, and then left.

Thomas: (to himself, whispering) Dad's right, it's impossible to understand blondes...

I don't know why Tommy is always like this, sometimes he seems very smart, but others he just gets on my nerves. A little annoyed, I ended up replying to him, talking at his back:

Gaia: You know what? I think I'm actually going to hit the gym, that's what!


Gaia: Hi, that's where you were!
Matt: (surprised) Oh, little squirrel! So you took that seriously!
Gaia: Why not? It seemed like a fun idea!

Matt: (amused) You weren't joking, you're not a total beginner!
Gaia: Do I look like a liar?
Matt: Well, so that you can do this already, why not try something a bit more challenging?

Having said that, he changed some settings on the machine, suddenly raising the difficulty by at least a couple of levels.

Gaia: (surprised) Hey, slow down!
Matt: Just don't lose the hand grip, and you can do it!

The unexpected change in pace of the machine scared me for a moment, but the moment adrenaline kicked in I felt like I could climb anything. I risked falling a few times, but it was also a lot of fun!

Matt: You seem to know this machine well, do you come here often?
Gaia: More or less once a week, with my friends.
Matt: I see...

Somehow I reached the end of the level, my arms were sore but I was also too proud to admit it. And that point, it was Matt's turn to try the level. He wasn't joking when he said he was good, but probably I had to expect it: he said he climbs real mountains, so he has to be good at it, right?

We chatted a lot again before saying goodbye. He said he'll be back in the store the day after tomorrow, and I don't think I'll forget it.

Matt reminds me a bit of a character in this book, an adventurous and unconventional guy, and also very cool. I don't understand why Tommy is so upset, what's wrong with that? After all, I'm almost an adult now, and he's not that much older than me. I guess. What would the problem be, even if something happened?

From Rowan's diary

Rowan: I have early class today, I'll be back in the afternoon.
Juno: Okay, have a nice day!

Juno: (to herself) And now... time to work!

A few hours later…

Juno: What do you think, Dr. F? Nice colour, right?

Gaia: What are you up to, mom?
Juno: I'm decorating the house a bit. By the way, could you give me a hand, please?
Gaia: Sure, what should I do?
Juno: Just keep dad busy if he comes back early.

Gaia: Hey, hi dad! You're back early today!
Rowan: (suspicious) Yes, the seminar ended earlier than expected. Has something happened?
Gaia: No, but I just had some free time, you know how it is... Why don't we go shoot some baskets? The weather is perfect!
Rowan: …

I really didn't understand what Gaia was thinking, it's not like her to welcome me like this when I return back home. And I also find it weird to see all the blinders at the windows closed, were they hiding something?

A little perplexed, I decided to let it pass and follow Gaia. Yet, the suspicion remained: what were she and Juno plotting?

They let me go home only one hour later, when Gaia accompanied me to our backyard door. At that point, I found myself in front of Juno my cousins and everyone else ​​who all started throwing confetti, while saying:

Everyone: Happy birthday!

Was I really that busy to forget about it? And to not figure out that Juno would have organised a surprise party, on top of it?

So, while the others were singing: "Happy Birthday to you", I prepared to blow out the candles on the beautiful cake she had prepared for me.

Rowan: Don't laugh, Nacho, what a pain in your back...

Iris: (jokingly) C'mon Rowan, haven't you thanked Juno yet for her lovely surprise party?
Rowan: What?

I didn't understand, obviously I had already said thank you, and I was helping to cook dinner for everyone. What did Iris mean? Actually, considering it was Iris teasing me, probably what she meant was...

Iris: (clapping) Kiss, kiss, kiss!

I felt too uncomfortable to say anything, and this must have been obvious to the others because River, as usual, had come to my aid saying:

River: C'mon, Iris, that's a bit too much.
Iris: (grumpy) You're all so boring...

The little episode was soon forgotten as everyone returned to focusing on the cake. Despite everything, however, I still tried to talk about it with Juno in private, when the party was almost over.

Rowan: Thanks for the party, really, it was a lot of fun.
Juno: I'm really happy you liked it, it was funny also to organise it!

Rowan: And then, about before, when Iris was, well…
Juno: Are you still thinking about it? Don't worry, Iris was just teasing us inappropriately, as usual. I was quite embarrassed too, actually!

Having said this, she delicately took my hands and whispered to me, in a completely different tone:

Juno: (whispering) However, there isn't anyone else around now, right?

Iris: (leaning out of the window) Ah ah, gotcha! What did I tell you?
River: (dragging her back in) C'mon, don't bother them!
Iris: But...

And at that point we both burst out laughing, aware that family celebrations were ultimately a big, messy, and funny time.

Juno's birthday was shortly after mine, and I did my best to reciprocate the party she threw for me.

Rowan: Happy birthday, Juno!

Considering I'm not as good as she is with decorations, I preferred to invite her to a restaurant. In the last few weeks she often said how much she would like to go out to a very specific place for dinner, now I think I've known her long enough to know when she leaves me hints like this.

Juno: This is the same restaurant where we decided to get married, it seems like a lifetime ago! Are we really that old now?
Rowan: My employers definitively seem to think so, they say that from now on I could ask to retire whenever I want.
Juno: We have really worked hard all these years, it wouldn't be bad to relax all day, and forget all those worries...

Rowan: Well, we certainly achieved many objectives, I don't think we could have done much more than we did.
Juno: Let's hope it was of some use, that we really managed to help future generations a bit with the climate crisis...
Rowan: I'm sure that we left them an excellent starting point, but I also think that now it's up to them to take the reins and continue where we left off.
Juno: Yes, I agree.

Rowan: Gaia will soon be an adult too, and once we retire from work we won't have many reasons to remain in this city for much longer, won't we?
Juno: What are you thinking?
Rowan: It may be silly, but... Sometimes I think I'd like to return back to Sulani, I miss that archipelago a lot.

I didn't know how Juno would react to that proposal, but her eyes immediately lit up. Every now and then, in the most stressful moments, we used to joke saying that a sweet retirement in the tropics awaited us, but we never talked about it seriously. But we are both old now, and if we are going to entertain that idea, now is the time to do it.

Juno: It will take some more time to settle everything up here, but... I mean, who could say no to Sulani?


  1. The end of your gens is always a little upsetting. Every single gen founder has been interesting and lovable in their own way and it's always a little sad, but always exciting to look forward to new gens! I wonder what Gaia will be like... I like the idea of her getting into tech, engineering, that sort of thing! I also like that she's into physical stuff. I once climbed a rock wall and started crying when I reached the top, I was terrified XD
    Yay, surprise birthday party! And even Nacho is here... Oh now they're both old. I don't want them to go, waaaa.... but I am excited for Gaia's story!

    1. Hi, and thanks a lot for the comment!
      Sims age so quickly, isn't it? However, I also have the feeling that my sims don't always dislike it when the spotlight passes to someone else, the heirs tend to suffer of terrible bad luck in this legacy!

      This said, should Gaia be worried? Both building and climbing are quite dangerous in this game, after all... :P


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