Chapter 9.6: Mismatch

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After that Saturday afternoon, I didn't see Matt again for several days. He often disappeared without any warning, so I didn't worry too much. At that point I was convinced that he hadn't realized that Tommy and I were spying on him that afternoon, but I had to change my mind the moment he knocked on the door with a pizza in his hand, and then asked me with absolute nonchalance:

Matt: By the way, why were you and Tommy spying on us from the window the other day?
Gaia: (taken aback) What?

We talked about it for a few minutes, he didn't seem upset. To be honest, he didn't seem to care much at all, at most I'd say he might seem a little sad learning I didn't fully trust him yet.

And honestly, I'm not really ashamed, how could I really trust him? Especially when he is still showing up randomly without notice, and then disappears hours or days without warning. He never tells me what he does when we're not together nor does he ever talk about any further future than what movie to watch tonight.

To be honest, even the fact that he only thinks about having fun, that he sleeps half the day and that he never helps me with the housework or the shopping is starting to annoy me a little. We've never really talked about living together, but he still spends a lot of time here and I wouldn't mind getting a little help from him sometimes, you know, my dear diary?

As a sort of demonstration, also this time we didn't talk about anything important, and the night ended with me repairing the sink on my own. Some days I'm really frustrated about the situation, you know, my dear diary?

Gaia: Hey Pixel, did Matt disappear again?
Pixels: Wof!
Gaia: Oh well... I was on my way to work anyway.

And today I couldn't wait to start my day, after all that work on the dump the port area was, it's finally time to open the new and shiny community area!

I'm particularly proud of this place, as it was built starting from the blueprints I proposed. It became a place where to sell and exchange small objects from our gardens or that we made ourselves, isn't it fantastic?

Gaia: It turned out even better than I thought!

Gaia: What did I tell you? It was a great idea, you see?
Thomas: Well, it's quite nice, yes.

I played dumb for a moment longer, before teasing him a bit by saying:

Gaia: Have you already written to that girl you met at the Comicon?
Thomas: (embarrassed) It's none of your business, you know?
Gaia: But I'm curious, please!
Thomas: I don't even know what I could write, it's not as simple as you're suggesting...
Gaia: C'mon, the important point is not what you write! Just don't let too much time pass by!

Tommy teleported again shortly after, he said he had to go back to the Sim City store to do some work on some device with his brother (but I'm practically sure it was just an excuse to avoid the conversation). Oh, well, there will be plenty of time to investigate that matter.

Instead, I decided to test the atmosphere of this new market area, setting up my own stall and trying to sell something.

I didn't sell much, probably I need to make a better selection of objects. But it was fun, I really like the atmosphere of the new community area!


Gaia: Hey, sleepyhead, wake up! Even if it's Saturday, it's almost time for our walk!
Pixel: (yawning) Woof…

Yes, the weekend has arrived, but I haven't seen Matt in days and so we weren't able to make any plans. Well, never mind, I can find something to do on my own, right?

So, after the walk with Pixel, I decided to teleport to the city centre. There was always so much to do down there, I was sure I would come up with some ideas along the way.

And that's how I came across one of the many festivals in the city, a festival full of pink petals and romantic slogans.

Well, not having a plan can also mean going with the flow. Why not peaking in this festival, then?

Noticing an old lady who presented herself as the “love guru,” I also decided to talk a bit with her. She claimed to have a good suggestion for everyone, after all.

I didn't tell her anything personal, nor about my doubts about Matt. I don't know exactly what that woman had perceived from those words, because she replied to me with a very enigmatic phrase:

"There is no doubt about it, you will soon meet your soul mate."

Dad would certainly say that charlatans like her do nothing but repeat vague phrases open to many interpretations to all their interlocutors, and I certainly don't believe she could have truly foreseen my future. However, I couldn't help but reflect on her words... "You'll soon meet your soul mate", as if she was implying my search wasn't over yet, and maybe that I hadn't even met that person yet.

I was attempting to eat my bowl of ramen with the chopsticks they had given me, when I heard a familiar voice call to me from the nearby table.

???: Hey, hi Gaia! You're not often around here nowadays, isn't it?

Gaia: (surprised) Manuel!

We talked about this and that for a few minutes, before commenting on what a shame was not to have reunited the old group for so long. But we immediately made up for it, deciding to call the others to meet up that same evening at the usual place. We were lucky, because almost everyone said yes.

???: That phone call was a really nice surprise, how long ago has our last meeting been?
? ?: Too much, that's how long!

We talked for hours and hours. We were all curious to know how the others were doing, about our jobs, family situations and so on. They all made great strides, each in their own way: some have opened their own shop, some are about to move abroad (those who didn't manage to show up, to be precise), some have just gotten out of a bad relationship, and some...

Jessica: Well, almost no one knows yet, but I think we could tell them at this point, right Manuel?
Manuel: Yes, I think so too.
Jessica: (in one breath) We're having a baby!
Gaia: (surprised) Oh. I mean... Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!

I was happy to see again my old friends, I really was. On the other hand, however, that meeting left me quite... discouraged. 
In comparison with all the great successes of the others, my progress on the redevelopment of Evergreen Harbor and my messy relationship with Matt didn't seem that impressive.
This morning I left the house to unwind a bit, but instead I just ended up reflecting on my life, my choices and everything even more than I was doing before.

To give the final blow of the day, I had also brought with me the book on relationships presumably bought by mom. By chance, I found a bench in a quiet corner, and so I started reading.

Elusive partners, who refuse responsibilities and who avoid stable relationships, that author really seemed to be talking about Matt... And she certainly didn't give me much reason to hope that the situation would magically resolve over time.

I had to cut it out, that's what.
And, for once, Matt seemed to want to make it easy for me to start that argument. 


The next morning, Gaia's house

Gaia: Hey, good morning, I didn't expect to

It took me a moment to focus on his face. Why was he wearing a disguise again, what had crossed his mind?

Gaia: Why are you wearing that disguise again? We've already talked about it, it's illegal and dangerous!
Matt: Hey, I thought about it too, and it's my choice, okay? It's not like I'm getting a new face every other day, it's just that I'm more comfortable with this face than the blue one!
Gaia: According to the law I should report you immediately, otherwise I too could be prosecuted as an accomplice, you know?
Matt: C'mon, do you really think that law still makes sense?

Having said that, he got up from the sofa. When it comes to talking about serious things he has always struggled to stay still and prefers to walk back and forth across the room.

Matt: I told you that I thought about it, I also started doing some research on when that law was put into force, and with which ratio legis, and...

I always forget about it, but when he brings up terms like ratio legis it is difficult not to remember that he (almost) graduated in law. He knew more about the subject than I did, so I ended up letting him talk.

Matt: ... it's such an obsolete law, it even dates back to before the foundation of New Sixam! And it was only meant to ensure that the Sixamians didn't change their appearance to commit crimes and get away with it. And the same goes for the use of telepathy. However, what if our ability to change appearance wasn't just meant to hide our true identity, but also to express who we really are?
Gaia: …
Matt: I think the real problem is the criminals, and not the change in appearance per se. The disguise became a stupid taboo out of the era we live in, that's what!

Matt: And then, honestly, since you discovered me, I've continued to use this appearance often, when I was in town. And I don't regret it at all.
Gaia: What? But
Matt: (interrupting her) If everyone is too afraid to talk about this, how can things change?

I remained speechless for a while, that was the very first time I heard him take a stance on something. Was this really the battle he wanted to face, the free use of the sixamian disguise?
The more I thought about it, the less I wanted to stay silent any longer.

Gaia: In theory, what you say could make some sense. Perhaps. But in practice, what do you plan to do? Wave some posters in the square and protest, hoping not to be arrested?
Matt: More or less. But I won't be alone, quite a lot of people are teaming up already, and now that they showed me that there is a possibility for change I want to make my contribution too. Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to show up very often, but

This time I didn't hesitate, that speech went beyond my absurdity threshold a while earlier. Maybe for him and some others this can feel like a battle to fight for, but for sure I don't want to be involved with a crazy plan that will likely result in their expulsion from the Sim Nation. So I blurted out to him, instinctively:

Gaia: As far as I'm concerned, you can stop to show up at all.
Matt: Oh, I see...

I'm not sure he was surprised by my reply, his reaction could best be described as barelly disappointment. As if, deep down, he didn't care that much about whether I followed him or not. Without saying anything else, he retrieved the few objects he had left around the house, then greeted me with a wave of his hand and left as if nothing had happened. He also totally ignored Pixel, so I guess now he's officially my dog too. 

This is the most unexpected ending I could think of for our relationship. I really didn't know him at all, after all...

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