Chapter 9.14: Extreme weather

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From Gaia's diary

The days pass and the kids keep growing, and even if they are becoming more and more autonomous day after day there isn't any chance to get bored. 
The twins are very confident when walking around by now, and spend all their awake time playing outdoors, for then collapsing on the sofa.
Petra just started school instead, and she immediately took the matter extremely seriously. She even asks Techna for some help with her homework, even if I'm pretty sure that she would be smart enough to finish them quickly even alone.

Uhm, I suspect that someone else, while looking at this picture, might define us as a quite weird family... But I prefer to say that we have found a very peculiar balance that somehow works for us.

I don't like to think about it, but time passes for everyone, and this also includes me. I still feel as young as when I moved here, but, unfortunately, the calendar is of a different opinion.
Nevertheless, I have no intention of feeling sorry for myself. A birthday doesn't just mean getting older, but it's mostly one more occasion to celebrate, right?

And then Petra and Techna had so much fun making a cake for me, what more could I ask for?

Valentina: What a delicious cake, who made it?
Petra: It was me!
Valentina: Well, good job then! (Nudging him) Right, Diego?

To be honest, Diego didn't seem really enthusiastic about the cake, probably for his tastes it was boring and banal. However, after his sister's teasing, he quickly took a big bite and then commented, trying to be as convincing as possible:

Diego: Uhm, it's really delicious! How did you prepare it?
Petra: I put chocolate in it, and sugar, and…

Gaia: (sternly) Nacho, leave Tommy his slice of cake! And, besides, chocolate is bad for you!

Thomas: (to himself) I guess my cake is his now...

It was a fun party and, as usual, Diego had stayed a little longer to finish chatting. I mean, he always has so much to say, at this point I started to find it normal that he's always the last person leaving.

Gaia: I'm sorry I didn't stop by your bakery for the cake, but Petra really wanted to prepare it this time.
Diego: Don't worry, it was quite clear she had fun. And Techna seems like a really good cook, that sugar decoration was really impressive!
Gaia: Oh, they truly are! Wait, I also took a photo... I couldn't show it to you before because Vale and Tommy don't know about Techna, but look how cute they were while making that cake?

Diego: AH AH AH! But how did she get chocolate stains on her forehead?
Gaia: I've no clue either, and I was next to them all along!

We always have a lot of fun together, but in the end it always ends with a simple goodbye. Yes, the more I get to know him the more I think he's really nice, and I admit I like him a lot too, but honestly thinking about a relationship now seems so complicated... And he must have his reasons for not making any move as well. Who knows, maybe he just doesn't like the blue sixamians, or something like that.
Whatever his reason is, for the moment I'm fine with it. 

It's just when I walked back to the kitchen, the head filled with these thoughts, that I noticed Techna again. Poor them, they decided to hide upstairs all day, and when everyone left they seemed to have returned back to the kitchen to use our best electrical plug to recharge their battery.

I'm always surprised by how much time they need to fully recharge their battery, as well as by the amount of electricity they consume. Is this what they meant when defying themselves as an "obsolete unit"?


Techna: The weather forecast for today looks worrying, be careful.
Gaia: C'mon, it's sunny outside! At most it'll rain a little tonight, right? I really don't see why we shouldn't go out, it's the perfect day!
Techna: Uhm...

Today is Sunday, and I plan to spend the day with the kids. Petra also woke up early today, so I'll take advantage of the opportunity to teach her how to take care of the chickens.

Petra: What are you doing? Are you working?
Gaia: I'm just taking a quick note, I don't want to forget about this idea!

If it were up to me, I'd stay outdoors all day, the weather is so nice today! The kids, however, aren't always in the mood for it, and today it was quite a fight to convince them to go out for a walk.

After I don't know how many hours I finally managed to wake up and dress up the twins, they were very lazy today. 
Then, I decided to take the teleport to Komorebi: there are some beautiful walking trails over there, and even though it's a bit far away it's always a pleasure to go there.

Gaia: See what a beautiful place?
Petra: How can I say... It looks nice, I guess.

Gaia: Ouch, be careful of these things!

Petra: Wow, those millipedes are huge!

In the end, Petra only enjoyed the encounter with the giant millipedes, while the twins quickly got tired of walking and I had to carry them for most of the trip. I'm a bit sorry none of them really seemed excited about an excursion like this one, but I guess I cannot do much about it.

On the other hand, I think I'm starting to understand how dad used to feel when I was a child, and I always complained about our holidays in Sulani and his swimming lessons...

So we went back home after just a couple of hours, ready to focus on something they could enjoy more.

Petra: How much more of this do I need to put in?
Techna: That's potassium sulphate, according to the reaction stoichiometry you'll need another 0.365 g.
Petra: Cool! Let's see what will happen now!

Petra: (to herself) I wonder how Nico manages to sleep with all this noise…


The rain started to fall in the late afternoon, cancelling any possible plan to play outdoors for the day. But no big deal, at least I think I found a good pastime for both me and Petra.

Apparently, she also likes the series of books that I had read and reread as a child. I even noticed the first two books in the series have already mysteriously disappeared from my bookshelf. Maybe I should show her where I keep the rest of the series, I don't mind at all the idea of ​​sharing this old hobby with her.

And so I spent the rest of the day reading to Petra and keeping an eye on the twins playing. 

Meanwhile, the rain was getting worse and worse, and we started to hear the first thunders. At that point even I was happy to be sheltering indoors, a lot of that thunder seemed to be falling too close to our house for my taste. It seemed dangerous, could it cause any damage to the local structures?

Meanwhile, in the garden...

Diego: This could be my worst day even, at first it was my living room, then the umbrella, and-

Techna: (from indoors) The last thunder fell less than 15 m from us, be careful!

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