Chapter 10.5: Contagion

§HermioneSims§ triggers-warning time:

Hello! Time for a little pre-chapter triggers warning. As you have probably guessed from the last chapter, one of the main sub-plots in this story will be about infections, illness, and epidemics, and there will be a lot of talking about symptoms, hospitals, and worried relatives. Please keep it in mind before reading, in particular if any of this is a trigger for you. 

 <-- Previous Chapter 

From Petra's diary

Emma: The doctors seemed quite confident, I'm sure you'll get better soon by taking that medicine!
Petra: Um…

Saying that those last few days had been chaotic would be an understatement. Ever since the doctor confirmed the diagnosis of Selvadorian fever, I've been tossed from one ward of the hospital to another for blood tests, MRIs, specialist visits with infectious disease experts, and so on. Emma had accompanied me to all the visits and then helped me keep in mind all the medicines I'll have to take from now on.

In the meantime, the rumours and news are coming out in rapid succession. They say about 2% of the campus has been infected so far, and there is a massive pest control campaign going on to prevent mosquitoes from spreading the disease any further. The TV is now even more insistent in telling people to visit a doctor in case of any suspicious symptom, and no one seems to be taking the advice lightly anymore. It is no longer a tropical, exotic disease; it has now arrived here.

According to the doctors, I was relatively lucky because they were able to detect the infection in its early stages. Apparently, the blood parasite responsible for the infection caused me severe anaemia, but it didn't have time to irreparably damage any of my organs. The medications I'm taking are pretty aggressive and make me feel even more exhausted than I already was, but at least they should help my body to get rid of the pathogens.

But I don't think that's the only reason why I feel so upset right now. How did I not realise I was infected? Will I ever fully recover? Will I still be able to do everything I planned to do? It all seems so sudden and unfair...

Emma: … Mike is waiting for us in the canteen for dinner, do you feel up to it? Otherwise we can bring you something here.
Petra: No, I can do it, don't worry...

At least the doctors didn't lock me in a hospital room. It's often hard, but I can continue to participate in the lectures and everything else. 
The temptation to give up and stay in bed all day is quite strong, but my rational part tells me otherwise. If I gave up college now I know I would regret it later, I know it for sure.


Of course, I also had to break the news to my family. I did my best not to worry them too much, but it wasn't easy to sugarcoat a diagnosis like that.

Instinctively, mom and my brothers wanted to rush over here to take care of me, but the local authorities were adamant in forbidding any access to the campus until the outbreak was contained.

They then suggested that I return home with them. After all, since this disease is caused by a parasite and transmitted by mosquitoes, the risk of direct infection should be rather low. Once again, however, rational reasoning prevailed: Selvadorian fever hasn't reached the Sim City region and Evergreen Harbour yet, and travelling there would only risk spreading the parasite to the local mosquitoes, causing a new outbreak.

In the end, as often happens, a compromise won: Techna is often teleporting here to check on me and report everything to my family. At the very least, they should be immune to any human pathogens, and they can also completely disinfect themselves before returning to Evergreen Harbour to ensure they don't bring back any mosquitoes.

Techna: Gaia specifically asked me to give you a hug on her behalf.
Petra: Tell her I reciprocate.

Techna: Your vitals appear relatively stable, given the circumstances.
Petra: That's what the doctors say, yes...

I didn't know what to say, and Techna seemed a little uncertain too. After a moment of processing, they finally decided to try to console me by saying:

Techna: Given your state and the treatment regimen you've been receiving, you have an 83.246% chance of making a full recovery within a year. So don't be discouraged, the odds are on your side!
Petra: Um… thanks.

We then started talking about the bug control plans we have in place both here and at Evergreen Harbor, and how long it will be before I can visit my family again. I sincerely hope that day comes soon, I miss everyone so much…


The first few days weren't easy. I often feel very weak, not to say dizzy, and I've even fainted before class.

But not even that was enough to convince me to slow down. Studying is a good distraction from thinking about my health all day, anyway.

Mickael: How are you? Do you need some help carrying your backpack back to the dorm?
Petra: Don't worry, I can still climb the stairs.

Mike was obviously one of the first to know I had contracted this illness, he seemed as incredulous as I was when I got the diagnosis.
Since then he's always trying to help me as much as possible, especially when it comes to finishing my homework in time for the next day.

???: Here you are, Mike! We're late for the next class!
Mickael: I know, I know. Petra, if you're doing well enough—
Petra: Don't worry, I was actually considering taking a short walk when I'm done with this assignement.

It was during that cautious walk around the campus that I first realised how much the atmosphere had changed. There were no more members from the sports clubs nor cheering fans around, every person I saw seemed busy working on something. Many departments have decided to concentrate everyone's efforts on resolving this emergency, and this has meant putting many students on the front lines to support research, analysis, and other activities.

Sonia: Yes, I think I'll have to hang up my lobster costume at least for a few months. My supervisor asked me to help her study the resistance to insecticides of different mosquito species, to understand how efficient the disinfestation is.
Petra: I see…
Sonia: (Worried) Rather, rumour has it that you got sick too. Is it true?
Petra: … Unfortunately yes.
Sonia: Oh, I'm sorry.

This type of conversation is now very common around campus, let's say I often have a hard time finding a distraction so to speak.

But Sonia isn't the only one who finds herself busy managing the emergency. If there's a place that's currently under siege, that's the hospital, where the increased influx of patients has required urgent integrations to the staff.
So even medical students, like Emy, suddenly found themselves dragged into the mess.

Petra: What, they want you to work a shift at the hospital every day? And when do you plan to study for the exams?
Emma: … I guess I'll have to study on my own in the evenings. They really need a hand, at least for a while I think this will be the situation.

So Emy and his classmates ended up covering many more hours at the hospital than those foreseen by their curricular internships, mainly helping doctors and nurses with the extra workload.

Emy likes working in the hospital, I'm sure she's very good at taking care of the patients. Yet I can clearly see the assignments piling up on her desk, and I really don't know how she'll get through this semester.

Despite everything, she still always finds time to take care of me, checking on my health every morning before leaving and making sure the medicines I was taking were working.

Both she and Mike have been of immense help to me in these weeks, both physically and mentally. I don't think I would be able to face the situation in the same way if it wasn't for them.

But enough chatting, my dear diary, for me it's definitively time to sleep...

Meanwhile, a few rooms away...


§HermioneSims§ corner

This generation really started on a harsh note...

In this little corner, I'd just like to give some behind-the-scenes details on the gameplay during this part. Basically, I simulated the Selvadorian fever symptoms with this mod, basically a custom trait giving sims anaemia-like symptoms. Between that and Emy working full-time, the end of college was hellish also to play for me, that's for sure...

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