Timmy vs the Blast from the Past Event: Episode 1


"How boring..."

"Breaking news! A mysterious man claiming to be a time traveller appeared today in Willow Creek. Among the many perplexed people who welcomed him, many weirdos are gathering to hear from-"

"Wait, did the radio just say time traveller?"

This may be my chance! An expert time traveller could help me so much! Could he help me find out who really caused the accident here in Strangerville? Many people claim Father Winter and I solved the mystery and call us "local heroes", but all we did was make a weird shower to a large, scary plant. I'm sure there is still someone conspiring against us, probably aliens. If only I could find more evidence...

"Did you hear it, Betsy? It's a time traveller! He may know where you're from too!"

"Let's go, Kitty, it's time to investigate!"

Yes, I decided to call it Kitty. Isn't it just a perfect name for such a cute cat?


"Excuse me! Pets, and even more so racoons, aren't allowed here!"
"Racoon? Where, I want to see it!"
"Ahm... Just Timmy being Timmy, I guess."

"You see, Kitty? The TV talks about him too, his name is Emit! He has to be the real thing, isn't it?"

Well, that's enough evidence. It will take a while, but it's time to reach Willow Creek!


Blue hair, uncommon clothes, it has to be him!
This is so cool! Someone like him could even know about the aliens and their real plan to take over our government and establish a new world order, I'm sure about it!


"You're Emit, the time traveller, right? Of course it's you, who else could you be?"
"Hey, great style, bro!"
"How far in the future were you born? Can I say "were born" if it has still to happen in this timeline? Will aliens have taken over our civilization already by then? And-"
"Slow down, bro. Aliens?"

He looks perplexed, how disappointing. Maybe even in the future aliens will continue hiding their secret headquarters from which they're governing us. But if he didn't travel to our epoch to warn us about some great danger, then what are his motives?

"Ehm... why did you come here, then?"
"I heard rumours, disturbing rumours."
"Ripples in space-time appeared and objects started to disappear, someone has to investigate. Do you want to be that someone?"
"Of course I do!"

So I took the notes he gave me, he was implying that the culprits of those disappearing objects were other time travellers, right? A battle among time travellers could destroy us, I have to stop this before it's too late!

So I reached the spot where I was supposed to start my new investigation: the Willow Creek's library.

"The website link to... a very old simulation game. Oh, they have a hearth-shaped bathtub!"

I admit I may have lost way too much time at that library, that game was more addicting than anticipated. A burglar broke into the house I was playing in the middle of the night, how could I quit there and then?

But, even if it's night, it's now time to pass to the second point in the investigation: find clues from an old time capsule!

Uhm, it was not very useful, it only contained a useless note. Bah...

What next, uhm... Oh, a rollerblade track! I love rollerblading!


Uhm, I don't remember well how I returned back home last night... Did anyone put anything weird in my drink? Did I even go to a bar? I don't remember...

What I do remember, though, is that objects are disappearing, the time traveller wants me to investigate it!
If Emit is still here, in our timeline, it's because also his enemies are still here. So we have to hurry up, and find them before they decide to run away to a different time!

"By chance, are you a time traveller?"

"So it's you the time traveller!"
"What? Do you even know who you're talking to?"

Uhm, maybe finding time travellers it's harder than I thought. If they're smart they would try to dress just like we do, so to hide among us in incognito mode.

Anyone could be a time traveller, thinking about it. Could it be Betsy? Or Kitty? Or any of my customers?

I'll need to be more careful, and observe any detail. Thinking about it, time travellers could be even more treacherous than aliens are... 


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