Chapter 1.1: My name is Stuart Miller, nice to meet you!

Dear diary, on this first page I should probably write something to introduce myself. My name is Stuart Miller, I'm 28 years old and just got my PhD in astrophysics. So, from now on, you should call me Dr Miller, isn't it cool?

I recently moved to this small town, it's called Oasis Spring. We are in the middle of the desert and it's summer too, so I'm sweating already. I hope to be able to afford an AC soon but, for now, I have to settle for this pre-built small house whose walls have not even been painted yet. Why did I move here, you may be wondering? Simple, to work at the famous research laboratories of the city, I recently signed a two-year Post Doc contract with them.

Why was I so keen to come here? This is a long story, dating back to the last recording at the observatory during my doctorate. You'll never believe it, but we definitely saw something anomalous in our measurements that night. It was an object, it was flying and it was also unidentified, so you can call it whatever you want but, to me, it definitely remains a UFO. And since that night I haven't been able to get those few lines of instrumental output out of my head.

This is the only UFO laboratory in the country, the only place where scientists try to find signs of alien activity and communicate with them. I contacted them immediately after our discovery, we have been in touch ever since. They agree with me, we weren't measuring just background noise, something really happened that night. And when I discussed my thesis they asked me to join their research team, to work on it in person. How could I answer no?

I have a few days off before entering the new laboratory, so I decided to take the chance to explore this place a bit. As expected, they're just fixated with anything space-related in here!

I don't know much about rocks, but there are some pretty unique specimens around here. I should ask Simon, my geologist friend, for his opinion on this. Is there any clue to alien activity even among these rocks?

Some other scientists in the lab even say that aliens may be hiding among us, unbeknownst to everyone. I struggle to believe in this hypothesis, it would be extremely unlikely. But I can't deny that some of the people who live here are at least singular, who knows if they really hide something...

Thinking about it, they could probably think the same about me too, don't you think?

Tomorrow I'm starting with the real research, wish me good luck, my dear diary! For the moment I present to you my lucky charm, Dr F!

He helped me to pass all the exams, and I'm sure he will help me even now in this new challenge!


  1. I used to love physics and physics PhDs were always very nice to me, so I'm happy to read a legacy with an astrophysics PhD as the founder. :) Stuart seems great. I wonder what he'll do if he meets an alien.

    1. I have a lot of friends who are physicists as well, the most of them are very nice people, that's true! When talking about work I often struggle to understand what they are saying, but that's another story... :P
      Anyway, Stuart really was the perfect starting point for the story I had in mind, but I'm not sure he is happy about this...

  2. Aw, Stuart.. I mean, Dr. Miller seems nice! I like the focus on science and research, so many things can happen with science careers in the sims. I don't have a lot of time to read these days, but I'll try to slowly catch up!
