Chapter 1.5: Doubts

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Nacho likes to stay on top of the fridge and keep an eye on the whole house from up there.

Wouldn't you feel observed too if you were me, dear diary?

Meanwhile, at the laboratory, we continue to work on the strangest projects.

I do not recognize this reagent, what could it be?

Lab rule number 1: when in doubt, write it down. A lab notebook is essential, even freshmen know it!

I was on my way to eat lunch when I was sent to the laboratory on the ground floor to solve an unspecified problem. And then I found out that the place was on fire, for Jupiter sake, why no one else is trying to extinguish it?

Colleague: You have that freezing beam, don't you? Try using that!

Well, it actually seems to work. Still, this is definitely not a safe procedure, don't they have fire extinguishers in here? Or a fire alarm?

The more time passes, the more I'm perplexed about this place. Recently I was able to get close enough with to inventions machine to be able to see all the projects stored in its memory, but I can't really recognize any scheme in those drawing, whatever it's mechanics or electronics. Is that supposed to be a circuit, for example? But what could that weird coil mean?

They're hiding something big in here, I'm sure about it now. The problem is that, no matter how hard I squeeze my brain, I just can't understand what it could be.

Colleague: you always have a lot of questions but, well... You're doing a good job, maybe next time we'll let you participate in some of our experiments.
Stuart: Really?
Colleague: why not...

This kind of answer makes me think that, probably, I should just be patient. My colleagues are slowly starting to trust me, maybe...

Back home, I started playing with Nacho for a while. I wanted to chill out a little, but the doubts about what was happening in that laboratory were piling up in my mind in a way impossible to ignore.

Taking everything into consideration, was I really different from Nacho with that laser pointer? After all, I was just following like a fool something that I could not even fully understand, and all my attempts to grasp it were in vain and clumsy.

But what else could I do? At this point I feel to be close enough to find out the secret of that lab, all the elements make me think that it could be something scientifically revolutionary.
Sometimes I feel like I could be too curious for my own good, but simply how could I just turn my back and look for a normal job in any other lab after this all, my dead diary?


  1. Aww I like how Stuart originally gave himself pep talks and compared himself to freshmen. He's not a fool following something clumsily. Nacho isn't a fool either. I hope Nacho is just having a fun time with a game...

    Stuart needs to give himself more time. Even though he's not a freshman, he is still new to the job. Most people don't automatically become experts. He'll figure things out in time and if something nefarious is going on... he'll be able to stop it? I have confidence in him. :) At least, he's paying attention and putting out the fires he sees.

  2. I like the parallel drawn between Stuart trying to find the mystery at the lab and Nacho chasing after an uncatchable dot. Let's hope for Stuart's sake that his dot is a little more tangible in nature.
