Chapter 1.9: The cycle of life

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Judging by Nacho's sleepy approach to the new day, it would look like nothing has happened. But how can I pretend everything is normal? A UFO kidnapped me at night, in my house, and I have no idea what they did to me, for Jupiter sake!

Sylvia: how do you doing? Are you really sure they haven't done anything to you?
Stuart: I checked, but I don't think I've anything weird. And, overall, I don't feel any different from usual.
Sylvia: Maybe you should see your doctor. You know, just to be sure.
Stuart: And what should I tell him? "Sorry, some aliens have kidnapped me, could you check they didn't do me who knows what?"
Sylvia: well, you are not wrong, you would be sent to psychiatry if you said something like it... But, if you want,  I could visit you. I'm a vet but, after all, you are an animal too, aren't you?
Stuart: ... I don't think to need it, but thanks, anyway.

In reality, this situation is making me more worried than I have ever been in my entire life. I would pay thousands of § to be checked by some doctor able to tell me what they've done to me. But I don't want to throw Sylvia into this mess: she is supposed to give birth in the next few days, she is already worried enough even without having to think about my alien abduction too...

I really can't understand what is happening to me, in some moments my belly hurts like crazy... And it's just my impression, or in those moments you also see a weird glow? What the hell did those damned aliens do to me? At this point, there is just one place where I could ask for any explanation...

Stuart: (mad) at this point I just want an explanation! Why did the aliens abduct me last night?
Colleague: Oh, so this time they picked you up?
Stuart: Yes! But what the hell did they do to me?
Colleague: ... I think you will figure this out for yourself soon enough, fear not.

I can't stand them anymore, why can't they just tell what's going on?

Returning home, in the evening... 

Sylvia: Stuart, I think it's time!

Sylvia: there is no need to freak out, come on! 

This is easier said than done, in that moment I was so worried and excited to forget about the aliens, the abduction and everything else. How could it be otherwise, I'm about to become a father! Right now I should be trying to comfort Silvia, and not the other way around, but I just can't do any better.

Sylvia registered at the hospital reception and was accompanied to the ward. Instead, I was told to wait at the entrance. The time was passing so slowly to drive me crazy, they didn't let me in until our son was born. His name is Milo, let me introduce him to you, my dear diary.

Sylvia: (happy) he looks a lot like you, don't you think so too?

Sylvia: sleep well, my darling!

She was still cuddling the baby before putting him to bed, when she glanced at me and added:

Sylvia: listen, not to be rude, but there is something I want to ask you... Are you gaining some weight recently?


  1. Oof! Poor Stuart.

    Slyvia handled her labor like a boss. xD

  2. Hooooo boy. That isn't good. And they knew the aliens would pick someone up like that?! Stuart's colleagues are scary o.o
