Chapter 1.15: Union

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Once the decision was made, we planned to get married as soon as possible. We had already waited long enough, don't you agree, my dear diary? However, a lot happened in the meanwhile.

First of all, Milo grew up, now he goes to school and everything.

He looks a lot like I did when I was a kid but, fortunately, he didn't inherit my myopia. At his age, I was already as bling as a mole instead.

Taco is growing too, now she looks like Nacho's younger copy. Only Sylvia is able to distinguish between them, and I still don't understand exactly how she does it.

For example, Sylvia assures me that the one in this photo is Taco.

As if those two felines weren't giving us enough trouble, Taco also felt sick. We flew her to the veterinary clinic where Sylvia works, it's the first time I've been there.

She's really good at her job, what do you agree, my dear diary? 

To be able to distinguish the two cats on the fly, we eventually decided to use two collars of a different colour: now Nacho has a blue collar, while Taco has a red one.

Despite all these delays, the big day has arrived. We got everyone dressed up, from kids to cats, and gave start to our wedding ceremony.

We decided to celebrate at the usual park in the middle of the town, we have many good memories here. Besides, there aren't many other good places around here.

It was a good party, everyone enjoyed it. Our life may be a bit strange, but deep down I think we are a happy family.

To preserve this happy parenthesis of our life, I also elaborated a way to prevent any other alien accident from happening.
Do you remember my satellite dish in the garden, my dear diary? I mean the one with which I accidentally told that group of aliens to dock at home, a few years ago.

It took me some time, but eventually I was able to produce a signal that means: "everything is fine here, you don't need to come!", and now I'm broadcasting it all the time. At the moment it seems to be working, we haven't heard a suspicious noise since then. 

Finger crossed, my dear diary, we really don't need any other bad surprise...


  1. They look so happy. They really are a strange family – a scientist on the verge of alien breakthroughs, a vet, two cats, a little boy and a disguised alien – but underneath all that they’re very normal and wholesome. Stuart is incredibly smart to reverse the signal to mean “don’t come here”. I wonder how long it will take for the aliens to realise that something is up.

  2. I love this family. Taco, Nacho, Luna, and Milo are adorable. The wedding looked so sweet and I hope that there won't be more abductions. I am a bit worried for Luna, though, given that she's an alien and that the relationship between humans and aliens is still lacking.
