Summary of Generation 1

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Dear diary, my name is Stuart Miller and this is a brief summary of my weird and adventurous life. First of all, you have to know that I'm an astrophysicist with a PhD in exoplanets identification, and that I moved to Oasis Spring to study signs of Unidentified Flying Objects in the local labs. 

I've been working hard in the analyses and in the invention of new devices since the very beginning, immediately noticing that the lab was definitively not like any other one in the Country. Many of the machinery in there literally appear to be breaking the known laws of physics, and everyone seemed to be hiding some unspeakable secret from me. I was so naive back that, and this only made me even more curious and willing to discover the truth.

It was around that time that I met Sylvia, the woman I spent the rest of my life with, and Nacho the cat. We were an uncommon family, but we were having a good time together. But the situation derailed a few months later, when this happened:

And, soon later, also this:

Long story short, we had just found out that aliens do exist, and in the worst possible way, I would add.

Sylvia was pregnant with our child at the time, which could explain why I overlooked so many symptoms that nowadays would appear so obvious. Milo was just born, when not even I managed to deny it anymore...

It soon became evident that I was pregnant too, of a child that somehow the aliens managed to implant in my uterus-less body during that abduction.

And this is how our second child, Luna, was born less than one year later than her brother.

From that moment on, it was a downhill of frenetic study and experiments, aiming to stop aliens in their plans. 
I and my colleagues all underwent the same treatment, and we couldn't denounce it to any authority because the aliens would have erased and modified our memories to avoid it. 

On the other hand, in that lab we had to work on hyper-technologic machines invented by them, and we were learning so much about the physics, chemistry and engineering behind it every day. If we continued to work hard, soon or late we could have learned something that could have helped us to stop the aliens, we thought.

Our best way to measure the time passing was our kids, they were growing and learning new things so quickly! Milo has always been an introverted kid who loves the outdoor, while Luna always showed a more decisive and rational personality. She also learnt quite early to use several of the incredible aliens' abilities, starting from the disguising into a human form to be able to blend easily with the rest of us. This way, she managed to (almost) grow up like any other kid.

The aliens made their ultimate plan public a few years later, when Luna was 15. Their planet was becoming uninhabitable, and to save their species they decided to colonize the Earth and replace us humans.
The abductions and the born of alien kids like Luna was meant to increase exponentially the number of said aliens and to find the most stable genetic asset for allowing an easy survival of their species on our planet. When they managed to demonstrate that the latest generations of aliens were able to reproduce without human surrogates, they decided to make their next move: train all the aliens born and raised on the Earth for the colonization.

So Luna had to often travel to their home planet, Sixam, and follow said training programs. The main technology of those aliens consists in their teleport devices, so it took her just a few seconds to reach that place on the other side of the galaxy. Nevertheless, I probably don't even need to specify that she was all but happy about being dragged there every other day and being taught how to pulverize humans with laser guns, isn't it, my dear diary?

It was talking with a few other young aliens with a past similar to hers, like Hermes or Ivy, that Luna had a revelation. The aliens ruling them, the Elder's Council, was made of individuals grown up in a very different environment from theirs, they were purely rational individuals who didn't know about emotions and sentiments, nor about concepts such as friendship, family, or love. But Luna and the other young aliens were very different from them, just like any other human teen raised as an earthling.

Eventually, we decided to use telepathy to mark those concepts straight into the meninges of those old and emotionless aliens. 
Afterwards, we asked them to move on the Earth together with us, instead of erasing our species and replacing us as they initially intended to. It wasn't an easy choice for them, but after several days spent calculating statistical projections of the possible outcomes of their choice, they decided to accept.

It could not sound so important to you, my dear diary, but on said occasion I also managed to visit Sixam and interact better with those older aliens. For a curious person like me who studied alien technology all his life, this was definitively an unforgettable plus!

Soon after, all the aliens started to relocate to various countries of the Earth.

The majority of humans are still clueless about it, but now there are some millions of aliens in disguise among us. They seem to be doing well, and my family and our friends have definitively been enjoying this well deserved peaceful period together.

So much time passed that now Luna is an adult, and she also started her job as a doctor for aliens in disguise. I know she is writing a diary too, so for knowing what happened next you should probably read it, my dear curious private diaries reader...

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