Chapter 2.9: Birthdays, many birthdays

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From Luna's diary

Unsurprisingly, the last few weeks have been extremely busy, and this is why I'm not writing as much as I used to on your pages, my dear diary.

For example, my dear diary, I definitely should have found the time for writing about my work promotion well earlier than this. Surprised? Me too. Among all the events happening in these months, I also got promoted to general practitioner. For me, this means having even more responsibility than before, and also that now I'm the one performing most of the urgent treatments on our patients. 

Luna: This is a clear case of itchy plumbob, I'm afraid I will have to proceed with an emergency surgery.
Patient: (worried) what?

Patient: How many other people have you already treated like this before?
Luna: You are the first one, actually. But don't worry, I have everything under control.
Patient: (not at all reassured) Okay, if you say so...

Don't worry, my dear diary, in the end the patient returned home as healthy as a horse, after a post-surgery stay at the hospital of just half a day.

I was about to go home when I am called for another emergency. I was very tired and already looking forward to my pillow and blankets, so I admit to have been a bit annoyed at first. But I changed my mind quite quickly when, at the entrance, I realized that one of the patients had passed out on the floor and required an emergency intervention, all my colleagues were there. Also, looking at him better, he really looked like...

Luna: (worried) Milo, can you hear me?

Flash appendicitis, he gave us such a fright... But he's doing better already, and soon he will be able to return back home.


Returning at home, I was glad to notice that no bad news was about to welcome me. The little boys can be quite unpredictable sometimes, but they are growing and quickly learning to do more and more things on their own (like using the potty, urray!). I and Hermes still have a lot to do to keep their pace, but we are starting to notice how things seem to get easier day by day.

Luna: Aster, why don't you go to bed too?
Aster: (whimpering) Ugly thing on the bed!

I really didn't get what was making him upset... Bah, at least he's eating something, and probably after having listened to a story he would have fallen asleep too.

(* Nacho doesn't like being called an "ugly thing" *)

Maybe there was indeed something strange, even if I couldn't understand what...

(* At this point Nacho went away, offended and indignant *)

And so, somehow, we managed to make them all sleep together for at least a few hours. It was so remarkable that I had to write it down in this diary, that's for sure.


The days and months go by, and the little ones learn more and more.

In these weeks we have also managed to find the time to organize a family dinner for Harvestfest here at our place. It took ages to clean the house and cook all that food, but everyone had fun and this is what matters the most.

We had so much fun to forget about the gnomes in the garden. I haven't understood where they are from and why they behave this way, also for my dad it was a mystery, but it definitively doesn't seem normal for some garden decorations...

To get them to calm down I had to beg them. To beg some ceramic garden figurines, does it seem normal to you, my dear diary? And then people dare to say that the weird ones are us aliens...

Weeks and then months passed, it passed so much time that it was Leo and Orion's birthday already.

And, shortly after, it was Aster's turn.

Our little boys are less and less little, now they go to school and everything else.

This period is really rich of birthdays for us, and soon we had to add also mine to the list. I don't feel that old yet, but still...

For now I don't feel any different, but all my medical studies tell me to be even more careful from now on. In any case, now that all children are grown up, I'm feeling more and more optimistic. Our life can only get easier from now on, don't you agree, my dear diary?

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