Chapter 4.10: The trace

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From Luke's diary

Today seems to be a quiet day at the Millers' home, even that concentrated of energy called Taz has been sleeping on the sofa for a while now.

However, behind the scenes, Misty and I are preparing a double chocolate cake. It's the twins' birthday and we want to surprise them!

I can't believe they are growing so quickly, yet here is the picture they took today just after finishing eating their cake.

We always noticed many differences between them, but the more the time passes the more evident they are. Actually, since when they were born, most people have argued that they are so different to make it difficult for them to believe they are, in fact, twins. I don't know how many times we have had to explain that not all twins are identical...

Their interests couldn't be more different, yet they are always seen doing everything together. The more time passes, the more they seem united, and both Misty and I can only be happy about this.

Cassy remains the most silent and thoughtful, she has a lot of fun playing chess and spending whole afternoons at the computer playing video games or searching for stuff she doesn't know online.

Venus, on the other hand, is more active and sociable, she likes to go out, see people, run... in short, she never stands still.

Instead, what they really share is their commitment to the school. They have not yet decided whether they will want to enrol at the university and, if so, which major to choose, but they have all the time in the world to find the best path for them.

Venus: Hey dad, are you writing another book?
Luke: Yes, I started it recently.
Venus: What are you writing about this time?
Luke: Of the recent history of the Countries outside New Sixam and the differences in their diplomatic approaches towards us.
Venus: Is it really necessary to write a whole book about this? In the end, no one wants to have anything to do with us, there isn't much to say...
Luke: The main difference lies in the reasons that led them to choose one political line rather than another. Even if you're not completely wrong, in the end they all came to the same conclusions...


Meanwhile, Misty continues her investigation on behalf of the army's secret services. Jokingly, the girls have told her several times that she doesn't look anything like a secret agent, because she always appears like the same normal person we see every day at home.

This is in fact exactly the tactic of her working group: to investigate in great secrecy by camouflaging themselves among ordinary citizens. And she is great at this.

Misty: (To herself) Why is this stand still operational?

Misty: can I ask you a question?
???: Sure.
Misty: I'm a bit curious about that crashed airplane just behind your stand, you see... Do you know anything about it, by chance?
???: I was just wondering about it too, actually, one morning a few days ago it was just there.
Misty: By chance, did you notice anyone wandering around?
???: Um ... I think I've seen a couple of people from the army a few times, but no one else.

Misty was perplexed. She knew for sure that the army was involved in that investigation, that was exactly the reason why she was there, but she also knew that none of her collegues had ever approached the crashed airplane wearing a uniform. Suspicious, very suspicious...

So Misty approached the mysterious airplane, searching any evidence which could help her to spot the culprit. From the colours it looked like a military plane, but from which country? Certainly not from New Sixam, we completely replaced flying aircrafts a long time ago in favour of teleport machines.

? ?: Hey , who are you?

Misty: I live nearby, I was looking around a bit. It doesn't happen every day to see such an airplane!
? ?: We in the army are already investigating, you have nothing to worry about.

The attempt to copy their uniform was obvious, but Misty could spot some wrong details: none of their military groups had been wearing pants of that color for years now. The more time passed, the more Misty was convinced that the girl in front of her was one of the phantom foreign spies she was looking for. She was a hybrid too, which were the only people with some Sixamese blood who were still allowed to live outside of New Sixam. Many countries, like the one we came from, had in fact decided to allow them to stay as they were in practice just like regular humans with a weird skin colour. 

Misty: Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you work. Have a nice day!

? ?: Don't worry, and goodbye to you too!

Misty: And now let's hear what you have to say...


From Venus' Diary

Cassy and I went to see our uncles today, we hadn't seen them for a long time.

Venus: Who is the best big boy in New Sixam? But it's you, of course!
Cassy: Don't let Taz hear you!
Venus: He's a small dog, though.

Cassy: Aunt Lyra said she wanted to see us because "we're old enough for some fashion tips"... Honestly, I'm a little worried ...
Venus: C'mon, it sounds funny to me instead!

Lyra: Oh, hi girls! You've grown a lot!
Cassy and Venus: Hi, aunt Lyra!
Lyra: So, are you ready for some haristyles and makeup tips?
Cassy: Actually, aunt, I'm not so sure that...
Lyra: Don't worry, I and your mom always had a lot of fun with these stuff when we were at your age! 

Cassy didn't seem convinced at all, to be honest I think she remained just to avoid to offend Aunt Lyra. On the other hand, I admit that I had a lot of fun, also because my aunt knows a lot when it comes to contemporary fashion.

Cassy: Aunt, don't you think you've exaggerated a bit?
Lyra: C'mon, you look great!

Venus: It was funny also for me! Even if, I mean... It could actually be a bit too much, just for going to school and so on...
Lyra: Like this you would absolutely look great at any party, though! Talking about school instead, have you ever thought about joining the cheer leader group? I'm sure you would have a great time with them!
Venus: Actually, we already play on the basketball team, so...
Lyra: Oh, I see...

Venus: I know, I know, dad's gonna be mad...
Cassy: All this stuff has to go before we go home, that's for sure!
Venus: I agree about the makeup, but at least on the hair maybe we can ask mom to help us a bit, right?

The next morning...

Luke: What... You went to Lyra's, isn't it?
Venus: ... actually, yes.

Misty: C'mon, I think it really suits them! And then I started growing hair around the age as well. I had tried already before actually, but growing hair using a partial disguise is more complicated than it seems... They managed it very well, by the way!
Venus: thanks, mom!
Luke: ...

Misty: (laughing) Luke, now try not to call them the new "pretty hair club" as you used to do with us, okay?
Luke: Bah...


§HermioneSims§ Corner

I have a funny picture to close the chapter with and some comments to add this time. For starter:

Hey, what's the problem with the robot cleaner today? It almost looks like, ehm... overloaded by a large weight.

[Nacho is very offended to be fat-shamed even as a ghost]

Passing to the more serious comments instead, in this part of the story I always feel like Cassy and Venus grew up in no time, but I spent a lot of time levelling them up to complete their aspirations and I thought that showing you how many experiments they did or how many other kids they befriended would have been too boring and repetitive. Anyway, in the missing days here in the chapters, that's what I was doing. 

Now that they are teens instead, I had to take some time to decide whether to make them grow hair or not, and so to decide which kind of style they will show from now on. For Venus I was quite sure since the beginning, but regarding Cassy... You will have to wait for the next chapter to see what I decided to do with her instead :P

I also would like to don't tell you who the next heir will be for a while, so for the moment both Venus and Cassy will share with you their diary entries. It's just to have a bit more of suspense, you know...

1 comment:

  1. I like the suspense and both Cassy and Venus. Despite them being different, it's nice to see that they're close. :)
