Chapter 4.14: Moving forward

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From Luke's Diary

Months passed by quickly, and it was Winterfest again. 

Venus: Cassy and I are perfectly able to decorate the tree on our own, we don't need help!
Misty: But I'm having fun too!

Perhaps the tree decorations weren't perfect, but this has not prevented us from celebrating all together. After so many years, this became a real family tradition for us.

Even though the girls have never liked celebrating their birthday on Winterfest, today they couldn't help but be excited. They have just graduated from high school, they are turning 18 and will soon enrol to college, who could be indifferent to this?

I have to admit that both I and Misty are a bit sad thinking that they decided to move to the college dorm in a few weeks, but we can't avoid being so proud of them either. They are clearly both determined to give their best, I'm sure they'll do great at college.

But the birthdays to be celebrated these days are not over yet. Indeed, the years keep inexorably passing for me too...

Misty organized a party for me inviting all the people we knew, I was quite surprised when I saw that she was able to invite Serena and her whole family as well.

Lyra: Sere, the last time we met was so long ago! How are you?
Serena: I'm having a fabulous time, and even the kids are enjoying this journey to New Sixam a lot!
Misty: How are you instead, birthday boy?
Luke: Ah, not bad. Today no one asked me to sign their book yet, for starters.
Serena: C'mon, is it really that bad?
Luke: Bah...

Well, many of the fans of my books were just as annoying as I expected them to be, asking me to sign their books at any moment and approaching me whenever I was busy with my own businesses. But many others (to be honest, the majority) were just showing up at the library from time to time instead, and wanted to discuss with me this or that other section of the books. They seem to be taking my words so much more seriously now that they know I'm the author of those books, and I actually enjoyed some of those discussions quite a lot. 

Or, maybe, I'm just becoming old and starting to like more and more the sound of my own voice, who knows. Either way, the time of blowing on those candles came also for me.

Maybe Lyra is right when she tells me I've always been "old inside", I don't notice feeling any different at all...

Cassy: Oh, so you just started high school! But I bet you won't build any spaceship as a science project!
???: What, seriously?
Venus: Yes, if you want to see the one we assembled is not very far away. If we went there, I and Cassy could also show you around a bit, there are a lot of other things to see!
? ?: Really, can we? (Turning to Serena) MOM, CAN WE?

They often told me how grumpy I was with others, and they weren't entirely wrong. Yet today I can only be happy to be able to celebrate together with my family and our old friends, as well as to see them having a good time all together. Actually, if you promise to keep the secret, my dear diary, I could also admit that this is the best birthday I could hope for.

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