Chapter 7.1: Karaoke meetings

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From Alba's diary

Like every week now, Erika and I went again to the karaoke bar this Thursday, it's the day of the weekly competition and sooner or later we may also win it!

Alba: I was a bit out of tune in the end, I hope no one noticed…
Erika: C'momn, compared to me you sounded perfect! Don't worry!

???: There is still one round left, would you like to sing with me this time instead?

Alba: Wait, are you talking to me?
???: Who else?

Erika practically forced me to sing with him, she knows I'm too shy to sing with anyone else. But I'm glad she did, it was fun. And then he was a very good singer too.

I think it's one guy from our school, but I don't know him well because we never followed any course together. Anyway, I really didn't expect him to be such a good singer. Does he take singing lessons, by chance?

He introduced himself right before leaving, saying:

???: You're Alba, aren't you? 
Alba: Yes...
???: I'm Olivier. You sing very well!

He wasn't lying, he really thought I did well. And I also suspected I wasn't the only one feeling a bit embarrassed at that point, because he just left babbling something like: "Bye, then!", to which I didn't answer in a much more intelligible way.

Well, I really didn't expect this, when I came to the karaoke bar earlier tonight.

The next morning I was tending the plants in the garden, I like being outdoors when I can.

A Social Bunny message? How strange, usually nobody ever writes to me.
I had to read it three times in a row before understanding the content of that message, it really was the last thing I expected to read. Was it ever possible that…

That evening, at the bar

Alba: (anxious) Do you think he really wants a date with me?
Erika: What's up with that surprised face? Didn't you see how he looked at you the last night, when you were singing? I think he likes you!
Alba: (embarrassed) What? But... but what am I supposed to do now?
Erika: Well… to start, talk to us a bit, see what happens, right?
Alba: But…
Erika: (pushing her towards the bar) C'mon, don't think too much about it, just go!

Alba: (embarrassed) … Hello.
Olivier: Hi!

We talked quite a lot. He told me that after graduating he wants to study economics and then find a good job in a bank, that his parents own a restaurant and that they made him study singing and piano as a child, that he likes skiing and many other things.

Olivier: What's your parents' job, instead?
Alba: Mom is an art critic and organizes exhibitions, while dad is a painter and has also a part-time job as a salesman to round up.
Olivier: Oh, um... It sounds like a family of artists then! Ehm... cool.

Alba: Well, a little actually yes.

I didn't feel like he was totally honest with that last comment, it actually gave me the impression that he would have preferred to hear that my parents were dentists, or something like that.

We almost didn't realize we talked so much it was almost midnight, and that we would have to go home soon. I've never spent so much time with someone outside of my family, but it's been a while since I've had so much fun!

Alba: It was fun!
Olivier: Yeah... we should do it again sometime, if you'd like to, I mean.
Alba: Y-yes, that's fine with me!

Before saying goodbye, she surprised me by taking my hand and looking me straight in the eyes, to then say again:

Olivier: See you next time, then!
Alba: O-okay!

I hope he didn't notice, even though it was dark, because I felt like I was glowing so much at that moment. Well, I guess tomorrow I'll have a lot to tell Erika, because I really think I may have got a serious crush tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Both Alba and Olivier seem awkward and sweet. I just hope it's true in Olivier's case. It's cute that they meet at karaoke.
