Chapter 7.9: Of the unrevealed mysteries, and the erased memories

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From Alba's diary

Nacho: Meow?


Tonight Olivier returned once again here in Sulani to spend some time with me, it's the third time after that surprise talk of about one month ago (or is it the fourth already?)

Like the other times, we ended up singing together on the pier overlooking the sea. He repeated this quite a few times now, that he wants to spend more time singing again. And he also agreed that the acoustics of this spot are great, and I know he was being honest when saying it.

Alba: Are you sure it's not too late for you? 
Olivier: I'm not that tired, I'm fine.

At that answer, my sceptical expression was probably quite easy to read, because he immediately redacted it by saying:

Olivier: I mean, I may be starting to feel quite tired, but there is no need to worry about it.

Close call, at least the first part seemed sincere. 

Alba: There are three hours of difference in time zone between here and New Sixam, didn't you wake up eighteen hours ago or so already?
Olivier: Well, that's true, but...
Alba: And aren't you supposed to show up at work in seven hours or so?
Olivier: (sighting) To be totally honest, it's six hours.

I hadn't really noticed it before, but he really has a hard time admitting when he's struggling for something, even for something as trivial as needing a bit more sleep.

Olivier: I guess it's time to go.
Alba: Yes, that's probably the best idea.

Olivier: See you soon!

I don't know exactly how we could describe our relationship at this moment, and neither of us seems to want to address this point anyway. For now, what I can say is that I feel much more serene than when I was living here all by myself, and if he's fine with it too, I certainly won't be the one to complain about this situation.


The weeks pass, and it's now the middle of summer. If the perspective of a day in Sulani is always very appealing to my family and friends scattered around the world, organising a house party in the middle of the tropical summer seems an opportunity that no one wants to miss. 
Everyone came, except Techna (who still isn't allowed to leave the borders of New Sixam after that tribunal sentence). In any case, however, they say that all the water and sand around this place would cause trouble with their gears. 

Alba: Hi Helios, are you doing better?
Helios : (evasive) Yes, but it's not like I was sick before, I would have told you otherwise, right?
Alba: …

Yes, Helios seems to be in better shape than the last time I saw him, several months ago, but he really seems reluctant to tell any of us what happened to him. He has never been good at telling lies and he knows that I will notice right away, and as a result lately he seems to be just avoiding talking to me for saying anything more than these short greetings. 

What could have ever happened, to make him want to keep it a secret so badly?

Drew: What's up with this interrogation! Is it a way to divert our attention from the barbecue on the beach we were promised?
Alba: Oh, that's right, the food is almost ready! I'm better to check it, before it burns...

Erika: This place is so cool, if I didn't already have a permanent job I'd try to become your roommate!
Alba: If you change your mind, just ask!

Also because having someone to share the expenses with wouldn't be bad at all, I'm terrible at keeping accounts and I always barely make it to the end of the month.

During the party I also had the opportunity to talk to mom, we didn't have such a long chat in a while.

Maki: I admit I was a little worried when you told me that Olivier had shown up again, but now you seem happy when you talk about it. Just out of curiosity, in what terms are you exactly now, then?
Alba: Um, actually I'm not sure at all, you know? Now we see each other quite often, but… I mean, when we tried to make things serious, it already ended badly once, why should I believe it'll be different this time? Sometimes I'm afraid I'm making a big mistake, that's it. What do you think I should do?
Maki: Ah, as if it was so easy... Different situations can bring out to the surface very different aspects of a person, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse... And after a big change, sometimes people end up drifting apart, while others end up getting closer again. I'm afraid there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Alba: Uhm…
Maki: Rather, you shouldn't care too much about what other people think. If you don't know what the best choice is for you, who else then?
Alba: You're probably right. Thanks, mom.

Maki: Changing the subject, is it just me or is Helios behaving in a very weird way recently? Maybe we should keep an eye on him, it's like he's hiding something serious from us...
Alba: I have the same impression, you know? But both he and Techna refuse to talk to me, I just don't know what to do.
Maki: Well...

We really talked a lot, more than I remember ever having with her. Mom has always been very talkative, but since she lives alone she seems to have become even more so. And, deep down, I have the feeling that she knew that this would probably be her last chance to talk to me like that.

We were notified about her passing away a few days later, it was a big shock for everyone. Until a couple of days before he seemed to be doing so well, life is really unfair sometimes...

So our family found itself facing another difficult loss, I really can't believe it yet. For today I don't feel like writing anything else, I'm sorry, my dear diary...

Six months later…

Today Helios phoned me in the middle of the afternoon. Weird, he's almost never the one starting a call. And then he asked me to come to his place as soon as I could. Even weirder, and also worrisome, what could have happened? 

All the hypotheses I could make were quite horrible, frankly, so I ended up rushing to his place after quitting work early. 
I had so many possible scenarios in my head when I arrived, but none was even remotely close to what he and Techna told me at that point.

Alba: Hi Techna! What's happening, Helios seemed so worried on the phone!
Techna: Um… It's a bit complicated to explain, maybe you should go in and see it by yourself.

More and more worried, I rushed into my brother's house.

Alba: (worried) Helios, what's happening? You're making me worry!
Helios: Well...

Alba: I know you were keeping some secret, you called because of it, didn't you? Is it really that serious?
Helios: Well, I... I would really like to tell you everything, really. But I can't remember anything at all. Tabula Rasa.
Alba: Wait... You mean that your memory got wiped out!?
Helios: (confused) ... I have some holes in my thoughts, it's like having whole rooms in my head full of fog... And it's the same for Techna, they have entire sections of their hard disk that seem formatted. I think it happened a few days ago, before that everything was normal. I think.

I was confused, what could Helios and Techna have done to have their memories wiped like this as a result? Who had erased those memories, and why?

Alba: Don't worry, I'm sure there is some way to resolve it and understand what happened. And then…
Helios: I don't think I have enough time, I have more pressing problems now.

Alba: (worried) What else happened? Isn't the situation bad enough already?
Helios: Well... I don't know how this happened because I no longer remember about it, but... But I thought about it, and I think that whoever had the brilliant idea of erasing my memories did it to put all the blame on whatever happened on me, and to ensure not to have any witnesses against them. Maybe they also reported me to the police, or at least this would explain why the cops were at my door this morning, to put me under house arrest waiting for the trial of a crime I don't even remember having committed. 
Alba: What? Wait, you mean that...

I was trying to put the pieces of that speech together when I was interrupted by the sound of objects falling on the ground, followed by shouts and giggles. By now the question was becoming so absurd that a part of me could no longer exclude anything, but it wasn't possible... Why did the voices I heard seem, unmistakably, those of... toddlers?

Alba : (worried) Helios... by chance, is there any child upstairs?

Without saying anything, Helios got up from the sofa and started walking up the stairs, gesturing for me to go up with him.

???: Food!

Helios: C'mom, you'll eat in a moment, don't worry...

Alba: (astonished) Who are these children, Elios?
Helios: Their names are Iris and River, they are just over a year old. I don't remember exactly where they came from, but for as long as I can remember they've always been here...

At that point, Helios was really struggling a lot to tell me all those things, for a moment I feared he wouldn't have been able to finish telling his story.

Helios: (gloomy) At the lab we did some tests, they say they are my children.
Alba: (shocked) What? But... how is this possible? Why have you never told us anything?
Helios: Don't ask me more, I already told you all I remember, I swear, it's all so confusing... It could also be the result of the experiments in my thesis, for all I know.
Alba: …

I had received too much absurd news, all at once, and I no longer knew what to say. I knew that Helios worked in a medical research laboratory, but was it possible that they were experimenting on children in that place? I was horrified at the very idea, who could ever do something like that?
Helios was always so good and kind, while all this was just the opposite of what he had always been. He must have been deceived, it was the only possible explanation...

Helios: ...the social workers wanted to take them away from me, when I was arrested and reported, they don't think it's safe for them to stay with me.
Alba: …
Helios: Alba, I know I'm asking you for a huge favour, but... Could you please keep them, at least until this mess is resolved? I would be much less worried, knowing that they are with you rather than with some stranger... And then even the social workers asked me if I had any relatives they could stay with, I think they would agree.


It all happened so quickly that I still struggle to understand it, but that's how I suddenly found myself having to look after two nephews who, until recently, I didn't even know existed.

I called Lily to update her on this absurd news, and also to ask her for help. Helios gave me two little beds for the twins, but for everything else I have to find a solution by myself. 

I did my best to feed them, bathe them, and put them to bed, but by then I was really exhausted, to the point of collapsing on the floor asleep before I could reach my bed.

In retrospect, I'm afraid Helios could have entrusted his children to the wrong person...


  1. Maki always give Alba good advice. RIP.

    Oh my, surprise toddlers! They're adorable and I really hope Helios recovers his memory ASAP. It's interesting that he never told Alba about them before because I assume they're older than 6 months. Hmm... I'm glad Alba kind of has children now, but I want everything to be okay with Helios too. Poor Alba. She seems overwhelmed (Olivier can quit his job and come help :D).

    1. Thanks again for the comments! This chapter and the previous were sad to write, that's true, Gen 6 characters were such nice sims to play with!

      The kids instead are a great mystery, and will remain as such for quite a while. This time I've been very mean with my sims, that's for sure...
