Chapter 9.3: A radiant climb

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From Gaia's diary

Gaia: The old mine area is so nice, you can see that a lot of effort was put into renewing this area!
Thomas: We just have to do the same at the port then, right?

I was at work and, as usual, Tommy and I were looking for things to recycle. We had moved northwest from the port, just to assess the situation in that area of the municipality, but there wasn't much work for us in there. Well, never mind, for once it's not bad to see a clean neighbourhood with little garbage.

Gaia: You seem cheerful today, did something happen?
Thomas: Ah, nothing special. The Comicon is approaching, and I managed to grab a ticket!
Gaia: The Comicon? Is it the place where people dress up as comic book characters and buy funny t-shirts?

Thomas: Don't make it sound like something stupid though!
Gaia: It's okay to have silly hobbies, isn't it? And if you dress up too, I want to see the photos!
Thomas: It's not called "dressing up", we are cosplayers!
Gaia: I see... Actually, I have already heard that word somewhere. I think.

Thomas(to change the subject) Do you have any plans for the weekend instead?
Gaia: Matt and I will return to the mountains this weekend, if the weather is good this time we will try a real climb! I can't wait, reaching the top must be an amazing experience!
Thomas: Wouldn't it be easier to teleport straight to the coordinates of the summit instead? We could even do it on our lunch break and head back just in time for the two o'clock meeting.
Gaia: C'mon, it's not the same thing!

In the evening, before returning home, we often stop to play chess at the port bar. They say it helps to develop one's logic, I don't know if this is true or not but for sure we had to reason a lot.

Gaia: Okay, I think I got the rules. More or less.
Thomas: I admit that chess isn't my strong point either. But there aren't many moves to start with, so let's try to put the pawn here...

10 minutes later...

Gaia: C'mon, my poor bishop!
Thomas: This is what the game is about, isn't it?
Gaia: I know, I know…

Gaia: You already know how to win, don't you?
Thomas: (caught off guard) What?
Gaia: You're starting to glow, as if you were already cheering up!

Thomas: Hey, it's not nice to point it out! It's not like I can avoid it, you know?

My parents and I never glow, they say we don't have enough of the original Sixamians genes to do it, but in New Sixam about half the inhabitants still glow whenever they feel a stronger emotion than normal. And it's actually not considered very polite to point it out, it's not like they can't stop feeling emotions just to avoid glowing, right? So I hurried to correct myself, saying:

Gaia: Sorry, you're right.

Two moves later he was shouting: "Checkmate!", then we said goodbye and everyone went home. It was Friday evening, and a whole weekend awaited us!


Nacho: Mh...

Gaia: So, Nacho, do you like the new house? There are lots of lizards to chase here!
Nacho: Meow.

As usual, Nacho ignored me and jumped off the kitchen counter. It's been almost a week now since Pixel was dropped here, and only now the domestic feline seems to have understood what to expect from that noisy little ball of fur.

Gaia: Please, try to get along!

I spent most of the day playing with Nacho and Pixel, tidying up the house and taking care of the plants in the garden.

Matt joined us around dinner time, tomorrow we plan to leave early together from here to reach Mount Komorebi. I don't know why, but on Saturday he never showed up before 6 PM.

Matt: What's wrong with that cat?
Gaia: Nacho is a bit wary of strangers, you know how cats are.
Matt: I see...

Gaia: Rather, tomorrow I really hope for good weather, I can't wait to try climbing the mountain this time!
Matt: I hope so too, there's such a view from up there!

The following morning, base of Mount Komorebi

Gaia: (cheerfully) You're such a sleepyhead, it took more than one hour to knock you out of bed!
Matt: We still have plenty of time, don't worry.
Gaia: It started snowing though, do you think it's a problem?
Matt: Nah, the weather in the mountains changes often. We just need to go up a little and the weather will be fabulous*, don't worry.

(*I strongly suggest the reader not to follow Matt's questionable advice. Rather, remember to always be careful with the weather when hiking!*) 

Gaia: Great, let's go then!
Matt: The first wall is the easiest, follow what I do!

Gaia: Don't you even wear gloves? Everything looks half-frozen!
Matt: I'm not cold, don't worry!

This said, he climbed the rock wall as if it was the easiest level at the gym training machine. Well, probably it wasn't that hard, after all, and I just followed him as quickly as I could.

Gaia: Wow, so much snow!

And not that dirty snow that you often see in the city, then turns that ugly grey shade as soon as people step on it. That was a beautiful blanket of white and untouched snow, I had never seen so much white in my life!

Matt: Shall we go?
Gaia: Okay!

Gaia: Wow, this one is so tall!
Matt: Ahead there are much higher ones, but I'm sure you can do it easily. Just focus on one step at a time!

It's common to hear that the weather often changes in the mountains, and after today I can only agree with those who invented this expression. Just a couple of hours later the storm that we had already encountered in the valley reached us again, and it also started snowing along the route.

Gaia: Brr, how cold!
Matt: (winking) Come here, I'll warm you up!

Matt: There is only one wall left, do you want to go back right now?

It was cold, yes, and the sun was almost setting, but I could still continue, I could feel it. And then, in any case, we could also decide to use the teleport device to return straight back home in case of danger, right?

Thus we reached the last wall, very high and full of ice. I admit that she scared me, but was it really that different from the others, after all?

Matt climbed up like a squirrel that time too, and then gave me directions from the top.

Gaia: Wow!
Matt: Don't look down, you're more than halfway through!

Matt: Isn't the view fantastic already?

At that point the night had set, but there was a bright full moon in the sky and the snowstorm had calmed down again, we saw no reason to stop just a stone's throw from the top.*

(*Again, dear readers, remember this is The Sims, be careful when on a mountain at night!*)

Gaia: Who's slow now?
Matt: Do you ever get tired?

And, finally, we reached the top.

Gaia: You were right, it's all so... Wow!
Matt: Yes, it's not the first time I've come here but every time the reaction is always the same: wow!

Matt looked around, he looked ecstatic at that view. He was so happy, so much so he seemed to radiate it. Wait, did I say radiate?

Gaia: Wait, are you... glowing?

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