Chapter 5.3: Summer vacation

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From Venus's diary

Finally the first semester is over, we are on vacation! There would be a lot to say about the exams we just faced or about next semester's courses, but at this moment I don't even want to hear about any of these things!

We're playing our last soccer match before everyone leaves for a short vacation, so I told Cassy and her friend Steve to join me at the pre-match party, just for some fun. It took me a while to convince my sister to come, while Steve accepted without thinking twice.

Venus: Why those long faces, it's time to have fun!

Cassy immediately rushed to the ping pong table for a real game, and not that juice pong we played a while back at the pub. 
She has always preferred board games over sports that include running, and she also tends to take this type of competition very seriously, so I was not surprised when she seemed to forget about us all already after the first serve.

Venus: This is so much like Cassy, have you seen how concentrated she is on that game?
Steve: She has the same face as when she plays chess...
Venus: (jokingly) How many times have you lost at chess already?
Steve: A dozen? I've already lost count.
Venus: She really doesn't like losing, maybe that's why she always puts so much effort into these things...

Steve: What about your match tonight instead? Do you think you'll win?
Venus: Hard to say, those silly dragons are top of the charts this year... We've trained a lot, but it's going to be tough to beat them.
Steve: I can't believe they trained more than you, that's impossible!

Having said that, he had raised his glass of juice again saying:

Steve: Go Foxbury!

The raised glass was not ignored by the revellers nearby, who didn't seem willing to miss any good chance for a drink. Regardless of whether we won or lose, that was a fun party!

The match started a little later, I joined the rest of the team while Cassy and Steve were in the stands cheering us on.

But, to put it in a nutshell, the other team was at least as strong as rumours suggested: we lost 4-0.

Venus: They weren't joking when saying they were strong...
Cassy: Well, statistically speaking, it's unlikely that you can lose again so badly...

Let's say this game it's the part of the semester I'm the least eager to remember at all costs. At that point, looking forward to the few days we planned to spend at our parents' place seemed way more interesting...


From Cassy's diary

Venus and I also took advantage of those few vacation days before the beginning of a new semester to visit our parents, we hadn't seen them for quite a while.

Venus: Hi, how are you?
Luke: Nothing special happened here. Rather, tell us about you! How's college?

Cassy: Hi mom!

We even missed mum's birthday, it was the same day as our final exam and we just couldn't make it... But she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she seems delighted to have us back home, and also about stellar grades we got in our final exams!

Venus: And hello to you too, little pest!
Luke: He's already destroyed three pots since when you moved, you know?

Misty: Lunch is ready. Oh, and we invited Lyra and Nick as well, they were so curious to hear from you, and...

With aunt Lyra and uncle Nick joining us, it almost felt like a party. It had been quite a while since we had spent the day together like this, in fact.

We really had a lot of fun, even if we don't want to admit it because we're grown up by now we had missed our family and our home a lot. It will be nice to spend a few days here again for the summer holidays.


From Cassy's diary

Our vacation was over in no time, and we had to return back to the campus. We would have been happy to spend a few more days with our family, but the beginning of a new semester seemed so thrilling as well! There were just a few days before the beginning of the lectures, and there were so many preparations we could focus on already in order to reach the first day at our best!

Steve: So, did you have a good time back at home?
Venus: Fabolous.
Steve: Cool! And what about...
Cassy: (determined) Stop thinking about vacations, it's time to take a look at the new programmes, c'mon!

Saying this I was already walking towards the student areas of Foxbury, I couldn't wait to get back to work! With a shrug, the other two also hurried to follow me, continuing to chat about something I couldn't hear well.

Steve: Hey dude, I wouldn't eat that thing if I were you. It looks like it's spoiled.
??? : C'mon, I think it's still perfectly edible! (Starts eating)  Well, okay, maybe you're right.

Cassy: This semester we start studying quantum mechanics, isn't that cool?
Venus: Well, it looks very complicated, but...
Cassy: (continuing to read the programs) ... and by the end of the semester they'll also explain how the matter recomposers works!
Steve: That really sounds interesting, yes.

During the first semester we studied the basics, never going beyond the boring physics that even humans had known for decades now. 
But things were about to change drastically, finally we would have started to study the principles behind all the technology that arrived from Sixam. We have heard about teleport devices and matter recomposers every other day, but learning how they worked was all another story!

Cassy: I'm going to the computers over there, I want to print the other course's programs too.

From Venu's diary

Steve: The semester is not even started yet, but she's already so focused on studying! 

Venus: That's normal, she always does this when there's something new to study. Sometimes keeping up with her is the real challenge!
Steve: I had no doubts about this!

I'm glad my sister made some friends here at the university. I'm sorry I can't spend more time with her, but if she was spending all that time alone I'd feel even more guilty... Besides, Steve is a really nice guy, it's impossible not to get along with him.

Steve: (embarrassed) Listen... by any chance, would you like to go out for a coffee, or something like that?
Venus: (astonished) ... what? With me?
Stephen: Well, if you'd like to, I mean...

I didn't know what to say, it was the last thing I expected him to tell me. I mean, he's always with Cassy, what should I've thought? 

But I couldn't stay silent forever, I had to find something to say, anything... I mean, Steve was a very nice guy, under other circumstances I could also have said yes. But he seemed important to my sister, that was the first time I see her getting so close to someone outside of the family. Also, what if she's getting a crush on him?

No, I couldn't do it, I couldn't risk taking such an important person away from her. I'm sorry for Steve, surely it wasn't easy for him to ask me out, but I really had no alternative but to tell him...

Venus: I'm sorry, but I'm quite busy at the moment. I mean, with all the training, homework...

I don't know what Steve could have thought at that moment, he seemed quite sadly disappointed. But he limited himself to answering me anyway:

Steve: I understand, don't worry.

This situation is becoming quite awkward, maybe I should study on my own for a while...

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