Chapter 8.6: Certain things cannot be learnt from books

 <-- Previous chapter 

From Rowan's diary

Some weeks have passed since my last entry, and I'm very close to the end of my penultimate semester here in Britechester. I recently left the soccer team, admittedly quite reluctantly, so that I could focus on the rest. Mom and dad weren't entirely wrong, this way I have much more time to focus on what I like the most. Being able to study without having to constantly pay attention to how much time I have left is definitively way more satisfying, and I also hope that this way I'll be able to get a decent grade in the penal law exam too.

In short, I can't say I have anything to complain concerning my routine in the last few weeks. However, this Saturday I'll have to change my programs once again. The whole family received the invitation to this event months ago, and of course I'm expected to show up too.

Juno: (surprised) Oh, wow!
Rowan: (perplexed) "Wow" what?
Juno: It's just that, I mean... Well, that costume really suits you. 

To me that exchange seemed a bit weird, was that meant to be a compliment to those clothes? They were just so uncomfortable, if I could I would have changed into literally anything else.

By the way, why are you all dressed up?
Rowan: I'm going to Tech Sixam, it's my cousin's wedding day.
Juno: Really? How cool! Have fun then!
Rowan: Uh uh...

That's right, the wedding my cousin Riven announced in Sulani (aka the day all my family has been focusing on for the last six months at least), has come. 

As you probably already noticed, my dear diary, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about this ceremony. I mean, I know it's an important day for River and Not-very-chatty Rick, and I'm happy for them, but what's the point in focusing so much on the ceremony itself? 

Whatever, I certainly cannot say that I am in a position to decide whether to participate or not, and that all I can do is to tie my tie as best I can, and show off a convincing happy expression for the circumstances.

Rick: Well, everything seems in place. Are you ready?
River: (excited) Yes, very ready!

I followed the ceremony without saying much, judging by the disapproving glares my mother gave me I probably had a more bored expression on my face than I intended to let show.

Alba: Congratulations again River!
River: Thanks, aunt Alba!
Helios: I didn't expected to see you so emotional, Alba!
Alba: As if you didn't have any tears when they were exchanging their vows!

Everyone was so happy that afternoon, they couldn't stop dancing, toasting and congratulating the newly married couple.

I, on the other hand, spent quite a lot of time close to some wall, and with all that time to fill I ended up reflecting quite a lot. 

Who knows how River and Not-very-chatty Rick knew they were in love. I mean, I know all that stuff people always say about this topic, but, in practice, how does it actually work? People usually say things like: "When it will happen, you'll know!", but answers like that are way too vague for my tastes. 

Whatever it is, this day is really leaving me exhausted. All I want is to congratulate River one last time, say goodbye to everyone and go back to the dorm, that's what.

The following week, students' common areas

We are just one week away from the third-semester finals, and I'm doing my best to remember that this is the last week I'll have to study penal law with this professor. My final grade for that class at this point is probably destined to be a B+ (B+, can you believe it, my dear diary?), my only consolation is that almost no one managed to do better in this course. 

It's not easy at all to forget about it, but at least I've something else to look forward to in the next semester. This is going to be our last semester, which means it's time to write our thesis! Choosing a topic I like (of course it will be about some environmental regulation, but which one?), and spend the whole semester researching information about it, is there anything better I could be asking for?

I also regret having left the soccer team less and less, like it or not it really took me too much time. Now, instead, I have all the time and energy I want to carry out my tasks and write my thesis. Finally, I'm enjoying studying again.

And the same goes for debates, now that I have time again to document my arguments before each meeting I feel much more confident, and the others have also noticed how difficult it is becoming to prove me wrong.

Rowan: By now the majority of nations in the world have begun to implement regulations aimed at reducing their impact on the climate and the environment, encouraging virtuous behaviour with subsidies and punishing those who are deemed guilty. The number of legal actions against companies that have exceeded the emissions limit in the last five years, in the Sim Nation alone, already amounts to 352, with a clear reduction with respect to the previous decades, which clearly indicates the dissuasive effect obtained by the aforementioned norms. In this regard, the…

Five minutes later...

???: That guy is just so weird! He sounds like a computer reading from a script, he should let us talk a bit too! And you, why are you laughing at me?

Juno: (laughing) Sorry, but you should have seen your face during the debate! 
???: (piqued) Do you at least know him?
Juno:  Enough to say that he's not "like a computer"! Actually, I think he's a very good guy.
???: Well, if you think it's that easy to debate against him, why don't you prove it?

She was around just because she didn't find a better place where to study. However, even if she didn't plan to debate at all, she turned to me as if to ask me what I thought. 
Usually people who aren't officially part of this group don't participate in debates, but why not? She seemed amused by the situation already, this could actually be fun.

Juno: Well, for starters, I study economics, so I'll probably be speaking from a slightly different point of view than the rest of you. So, I think the biggest contribution I could give you tonight is to add some other data. You see, I was just graphing the evolution of GDP values ​​for various countries over time as their green policies advance, and a couple of interesting trends immediately stood out. First...

The members of the debate club almost all study literature, history, philosophy, or law like me. Her register could therefore only stand out compared to ours, it was much more practical and direct. While her style may have been a little less elegant than the one we tried so hard to maintain, she had such a straightforward approach that it was difficult to argue in any way.
Luckily for me, I already knew the data that she was exposing with such clarity, they were the same as in her thesis outline that she read to me yesterday.

Rowan: Your arguments are undoubtedly compelling, but...

I don't think Juno fully realized it, but the rest of the debate club was quite impressed by her arguments, they certainly didn't expect that some outsider could do so well on her first attempt. The more time passes, the more I think that many of them should come down a bit from the pedestal they have built for themselves over time.

Once the debate was over, still laughing a little thinking about the faces of the other debate club members, we then went to finish our homework for the day. That's another thing that changed a bit since when I dropped the soccer team, now I meet her way more often at the dorm or in some other corner of the campus. We're also chatting way more than before, it's actually quite nice.

Juno: By the way, how did your cousin's wedding go? His name is River, right?
Rowan: Yes. I think it went well, from what I understand, at least.
Juno: Great, I'm really happy for them! Next time you see your cousin, can you congratulate him on my behalf too? I wanted to ask you the other day, but when I remembered you had already left…
Rowan: Um… Yes, I suppose I can do that, no problem.

Rowan: Rather, how are your doing with your assignments?
Juno: Not bad. I should finish in half an hour, an hour at most. Then, as soon as I finish, I reach Francis at the pub, you know how it is...

I don't know why, but I had the impression that she didn't look as enthusiastic as usual, for some reason. Who knows, maybe he was just bored doing that homework.
I was about to open mye notebook too, when Juno interrupted me again to say:

Juno: Listen, but since you're a guy too, couldn't you help me understand a little what's going through Francis's head?
Rowan: (surprised) What? Me? I don't think it's a good idea, I'm not good with...

But she didn't even seem to be seriously listening to me, and continued to talk as if I hadn't said anything. In hindsight, she probably just wanted to vent out a bit.

Juno: You see, Francis is about to graduate from his Master's, and then he will return to New Sixam. He keeps telling me that he can't wait to go back there with me, and work together in his parents' shop. His father had promised to leave it to him when he graduated, and when we were still in high school we made so many plans about that moment, we just couldn't wait for it, you see?
Rowan: …
Juno: But in the meantime so much time has passed, and I'm not so sure I still want that future. There are so many other possibilities, why should I ignore them all and go work in a shop on the outskirts of New Sixam all my life? I really don't like the idea anymore, that's what. But he seems to care so much, and so every time we talk about it we end up arguing…

Juno: But what do you think, Rowan?

I thought about it for a moment, keeping wondering why she decided to ask me that question. I don't really think I can give any real advice to anyone about relationships, but I couldn't hold back either. Every time she names Francis I'm a bit angrier at him, and I'm also more convinced that she deserves way better. So I said:

Rowan: I don't have anything against retailers, but I honestly think that it would be a waste for someone like you to work in a small shop. Especially if it's not what you really want to do.

Juno's eyes widened, that answer seemed to have left her stunned. She kept underestimating herself, that's what.

Juno: Are you serious?
Rowan: Well, yes. Think about it, in all these years you have always studied the effects of environmental policies on economics, with what you know you could work in some large company to help them make their ecological transition as economically sustainable as possible. And this is just one example, with a economics degree from this university you could do so many things, and in so many different parts of the world.

That was one of the few times I saw Juno remain speechless, I don't really know what she was thinking while she left to join Francis at the noisy pub. 

I shook my head slightly, before going back to my assignment. I've known her for a while now, even if she always says goodbye with a pretty smile on her face I think I can tell when she isn't really happy.

A few weeks later, after finishing the third-semester exams...

Juno: Listen, Rowan, would you like to go for a ride together this evening? We could go biking somewhere, or something like that.
Rowan: Why not, I've finished my assignments for today.
Juno: Great!

Since when Francis graduated from his Master's and returned back to New Sixam, we're spending time together even more often than ever before. She is never mentioning him though, did they argue, by chance? I don't think that would be surprising, all things considered. 

It was a funny ride, and even if we had to raise our voices quite a lot to hear each other we talked and joked quite a lot along the way. 

I don't know exactly why she wants to spend so much time with me, but I'm quite glad she does. 

Over the years I had never really thought to be alone. With classmates, the scout group or the soccer team I was always surrounded by people, I talked and played with them, and I thought that friendship was like that.
But with Juno it was very different, even if I don't know exactly how to describe it. It was a type of relationship that I had never experienced outside of my family, I guess she's the first person I can truly call a friend.

In those last days, however, even I was able to notice how she seemed thoughtful, or even sad maybe, mulling over something I couldn't quite identify. I knew I should have said something, maybe tried to help her. And I was also mad at myself, because I absolutely didn't know where to start from.

Rowan: (awkwardly) Juno, did something happen by any chance? You seem… upset or something.
Juno: You don't need to worry for me, really. I've just had a lot on my mind lately.
Rowan: … Does Francis have anything to do with it?
Juno: (thoughtfully) Well, among other things... It all seems a bit messy to me right now, but I think I just need some time to figure it out.

Juno: In any case, thanks a lot, Rowan.
Rowan: (confused) For what?
Juno: Because you're always so kind to me. And then, I mean...
Rowan: ...

The more she talked the less I could understand what she meant, that night she seemed more cryptic than ever. Where did he want to go with this?

Rowan: (confused) If you want to say something, couldn't you just go straight to the point?
Juno: W-what? Are you sure?

I was more confused than ever, what was the deal? And why was she... blushing?

Juno: W-well, I...

Juno immediately started to speak, as usual, but I couldn't even grasp what she was telling me, much less answer her. There were just two clear thoughts in my mind at that moment, namely:

"What the heck just happened?"

Quickly followed by:

"I really didn’t understand a single thing."

§HermioneSims§ corner

How evident is it that, once again, I had to speed up a bit the legacy to remain within the allocated time for this part? 

In the next chapter I clearly will have to explain quite a lot of things, 'but that is another story and shall be told another time.'

For the moment, I want to borrow an online meme which was quite popular around the time I originally wrote this chapter at my place, and that is also quite fitting for the ending of this chapter:

Chapter 8.5: Expectations to be met

 <-- Previous chapter

From Rowan's diary

Juno: Poor statue, what happened to you? Usually, you're so beautiful!


So also our second semester in college passed by, we had finally received our grades and were ready to start studying for the third one. We're midway through our university years already, but the courses won't surely get easier from now on (the penal law course in particular is described by everyone as a true nightmare). I really have to maintain my focus, that's it.

Juno: I couldn't believe it when I received my grades, I even got an A in statistics! Thank you very much, really! I would hug you, but after Winterfest I don't think it would be a good idea... Thanks anyway, I'm afraid I would have failed just like during the first semester if it wasn't for your encouragement. Hurray!

Rowan: (perplexed) Why are you thanking me? I haven't done much, you did all that studying on your own, in the end.

And I didn't just say that to be modest, I meant it. All things considered, all I did was to advise her to work a bit harder and help her a few times with her assignments (although I don't think she really needed it), she would have been perfectly capable of achieving that same result even if I hadn't been there.

Juno: Well, you see... Back in high school I usually did decently well without studying much, so I believed Francis when he told me that the exams here were easy to pass too. But then, when I saw my horrible grades at the end of the first semester, I really thought that Francis had overestimated what I was actually capable of,  and that I probably wasn't good enough for this place, you know? Also because people usually don't really expect much from me, to be honest so many people couldn't even believe it when I entered this college. But probably I just needed a bit of encouragement instead, so... Thank you, really.
Rowan: Oh.

I remained speechless, was she serious? That couldn't be the whole story, at least her parents and her boyfriend surely supported her, right?
Luckily she decided to change topic, because I really didn't know what to say.

Juno: Rather... Are you wearing your uniform because you have to go to soccer practice?
Rowan: Yes, I've to go there in five minutes, we have to try a new tactic for the next game.
Juno: Oh, it sounds like fun! I wish you a good training, then!

I still had a lot of homework to do before the next day, but I still grabbed my training bag and ran to the soccer field, it was my duty after all. My schedule was busier than ever, but I was still completely capable of handling it all, I was sure of that.

Juno: (a bit worried) Hey, was soccer practice that hard today? It's not like you to go straight to bed this early!
Rowan: (yawning) I just need to rest my eyes a little bit, I'll get up and finish my penal law homework in a couple of hours, don't worry.
Juno: Okay, I guess...


It's now late winter, but there's still no sign of snow. I did some research on this topic, the winter temperature of this place have risen by more than 2°C in the last century. There's not much to be surprised about, in short.

Juno: Ugh, no snow today either... I'd liked to have at least have a snowball fight while living here, everyone says snow is so much fun!
Rowan: I admit I was curious to see some snow too. If there is a less snowy climate than New Sixam, that may be Sulani.
Juno: I talked to a few people around, it seems like it's been like this for years now. It seems like another sign of climate change, unfortunately...

The more time passes, the more I realize how genuinely worried Juno is about the inexorable advance of the climate crisis. I mean, if you stop to chat with her for more than five minutes, she almost always addresses the topic in one way or another.

And she's not just talking about it, it would be obvious even to a blind person that she tries harder than anyone else in the dorm to reduce her impact on the environment. 
For instance, she is an assiduous recycler, and she often chases after other students in the dorm with the recycling bins to ensure that no one forgets about the separate waste collection. And she is also a convinced vegetarian, partly because she feels sorry for the animals but also because she memorised all the statistics on the release of greenhouse gases caused by livestock farming.

Even her Winterfest present was not a coincidence, she always travels by bicycle and gave us all bike helmets to convince us to do the same.

And I would also say that she's an excellent observer, because she noticed long ago that I've never used that bike helmet she gave me as a gift.

Juno: (amused) C'mon, you really don't know how to ride a bike?
Rowan: (defensively) Sulani is not the best place for cycling…
Juno: I'm sorry, it's just that you seem like one of those super sporty guys who is good at all sports, I'm surprised you don't know how to ride a bike!
Rowan: Uhm…
Juno: But don't worry, it's not difficult at all, if you want I'll teach you! Actually, I can also lend you Francis's bike for a while, he never uses it anyway.

Rowan: But are you sure I can use this one?
Juno: Sure, don't worry!

Rowan: How am I doing?
Juno: That's not bad at all!

I wasted way too many hours to learn how to keep a decent equilibrium, it's much harder than I expected.

But she was right, it's pretty funny. And it's also a much faster way to get around campus, which will definitely save me a lot of time in the future. Don't you agree, my dear diary?


???: Hey Miller, are you there? It's your turn to debate back!
Rowan: Oh, sorry, I must have gotten distracted for a moment. What were you talking about?
???: If you don't have time to actively participate, have the decency not to show up!
Rowan: …

I shook my head, annoyed. It wasn't at all like me to get distracted in that way, but the penal law essay that I had to hand in the next morning really didn't want to let me focus on anything else. It was a particularly difficult paper to write, full of nuances to grasp and summarise in so few pages... And then the subject was extremely boring too, why did it have to weigh so much on our final GPA?

In either case, the other members of the debate group were probably right, I was better off going back to my dorm and focusing on that assignment for the rest of the evening...

Juno: You're back early! Weren't you with the debate group tonight?
Rowan: Yes, but according to the others I was too distracted to continue. Actually, I was thinking a bit too much about this essay I have to hand in tomorrow morning, so they weren't entirely wrong. I better hurry up and finish it so I can move and work with other things.
Juno: Are you sure you aren't studying a little too much?
Rowan: I study as much as I need to, there's no need to worry about me.
Juno: If you say so... Oh well, I've finished my homework for tonight, I'm going with Francis to the pub. See you then!
Rowan: (distracted) Uh uh.

It was a particularly hard week, I don't think I slept more than a couple of hours a night. But my study schedule is getting busier than ever, with the debate group we are finally reaching the point where the discussions seem to be becoming vaguely constructive, and with the soccer team we are advancing in the tournament to the point that some coaches of the professional league might attend the matches. In short, I have so many things to do, and they're all too important to put aside.

By Friday evening I was particularly exhausted, but there was still a soccer match to think about.

Juno: I told you it would be a good match!
Francis: And we also won, that's a guaranteed party tonight!
Juno: Yup, that's right! Let's wait for the team before going to the bar though. Ah, there they are!

Rowan: Oh, hi. Did you watch the game?
Juno: Yes, you really did great!
Rowan: Maybe, I think I slipped a couple of times too many… But, honestly, I don't have time to think about it too much, I still have to finish an essay for...
Francis: C'mon, you have the whole weekend to finish your homework, and a victory like this should be celebrated!
Rowan: But 

Clearly, my teammates and the rest of the crowd of students who practically dragged me to the closest pub with them didn't really seem to care about what I had to say. As if I had time to waste like this, homework wasn't an excuse this time. I won't finish the penal law essay in time if I keep wasting so much time, I needed those hours if I wanted to catch up.

Francis: Hey, Rowan, right? Don't tell us you're leaving already, the party has just begun!
Rowan: But 
Juno: C'mon, Francis, he's not obliged to remain if he doesn't want to!
Francis: Of course he's not obliged to remain, but why would he prefer to leave? We're all having fun in here!
Juno: Okay, but...

I didn't even stay to follow how the conversation ended, just because the rest of the soccer team dragged me away to try to convince me to participate in their celebrations. Looking at them, it would almost seem like this is their favourite part about playing soccer in college.

In the end, I was stuck in that pub for three whole hours, my teammates just didn't want to let me go. How come everyone else's main aspiration seems to be to spend their Friday night getting drunk in a noisy pub? They really can't think about anything better than that mess?

I had returned to the dorm so late that also Juno arrived just a few minutes later. Yet, I was pretty sure she didn't have any more homework to do for the day, nor an essay to write, or...

Juno: Ehy Rowan, are you sure you're okay? You look exhausted!
Rowan: I'm fine, I just have to finish the essay, and then...

Juno: Ehm, yoohoo! Rowan? Oh man, maybe I should call the nurse! Or…
Rowan: (semi-unconscious) There's no need to scream, I'm fin

It took me a few moments to realise what happened: I was so tired that I collapsed on the ground, asleep. Was I really that exhausted?
I don't remember exactly what happened after that, I think Juno helped me to reach the bed, and then I collapsed again. I still had so much to do, but clearly I needed some sleep before I could take care of it.

The next morning...

Juno: Good morning Rowan, are you feeling a bit better?
Rowan: Yes, I just needed some sleep. Thanks for the help, by the way.
Juno: Don't worry about that, it wasn't a problem. Howev
Rowan: Now excuse me, but I have to reach the library, and then I absolutely have to finish the penal law essay and send it to the professor before lunchtime.
Juno: I don't think the teacher will complain if you take an extra day, you know? I've done it plenty of times, you should just write them an email. Also, did you at least have breakfast, since you woke up?

To answer I just shook my head, stubbornly, and grabbed my jacket to leave immediately. I was late already, the previous night I had wasted way too much time already.

Rowan: (in a hurry) Bye then!
Juno: Bye...

I had the suspicion Juno was planning something, or at least I couldn't read the weird expression she had when I left. I'm also pretty sure she started a phone call the moment I closed the door, that's quite weird too...

Juno: Hello? Yes, good morning ma'am, I'm Juno, do you remember me? ... Oh, great. I'm sorry to bother you, but 

I almost had the suspicion that she waited for me to leave before starting that call, but it seemed like such an irrelevant episode that I quickly forgot about it along the day.

I remembered about it just at the end of the day, when I met her again after the usual soccer practice. At that point, it didn't take long before I finally understood who she had called, too.

Juno: Ehy, Rowan! Do you have a moment?

Rowan: (perplexed) I've just five minutes, I still have to meet the debate group. What happens?
Juno: Well... I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did, but I did it just because I was worried about you. Bye!

That said, Juno ran away faster than I thought she may have been capable of. At that point I was quite convinced it had to be some kind of joke, but then I turned in the opposite direction and finally understood what she meant.

Alba: (worried) Rowan, how are you?
Olivier: That friend of yours, Juno, was right. You look exhausted, are you getting enough sleep?
Alba: And you're eating regularly? She said you may be skipping breakfast too!
Rowan: (confused) Mom, dad, why are you here?
Alba: Your friend called us, she says you're making her worry because you're studying so much to fall asleep on the ground!

I couldn't believe it, they really teleported to Britechester without thinking twice about it. Dad doesn't even have a double passport, he could really end up in trouble if someone sees him. 

Rowan: There's nothing to worry about, really. It's just a busy period, but 

Alba: (sympathetic) Rowan, we know you really care about all this stuff. But why are you pushing yourself up to this point? 
Rowan: Um...

I thought carefully about how to answer, mom would spot a lie in a split second after all. However, I had never really thought about that topic before, what could I say?

Rowan: I like studying, doing sports, and also participating in the debate group. That's all.
Alba: We imagined you would answer this way, when you were a child you always said the same. But at the time you also seemed to enjoy what you were doing. Now instead you just seem exhausted, are you sure you're still happy?
Rowan: I 
Olivier: Maybe you could at least leave the soccer team, right? It sounds like a lot of work, and unless you've changed your mind recently I don't think you want to be a professional player after college, right?
Rowan: But I get a scholarship for it, without that 
Olivier: You have a lot of other scholarships, and in case we'll do our best to cover the rest. Don't worry, really.
Rowan: ...

At that point mom seemed unable to contain herself any longer, and she hugged me as tight as she could, and then said:

Alba: You're not doing this for us, right? All we care about is to ensure you're happy, really. The grades, the matches, or everything else... It's not so important to be the best at all costs, being happy with your life is way more important!
Rowan: …

I couldn't answer right away, I'd never seen it from that point of view. Since I was little I had always been the best at school and with the scouts, and even if everyone was always telling me to have fun sometimes, I couldn't ignore the proud and satisfied faces of my family every time I excelled in something new. It made me feel like it was the right thing for me to do, that's what.

However, here in college the level is completely different, studying day and night I barely manage to keep a good GPA.
Maybe they are right, studying until I forget why I'm doing it doesn't make sense. I didn't like penal law either, should I really stay up at night for it? Maybe I should focus on what I really like to do, and focus a bit less on my grades.

Rowan: Thanks, I think I understand what you mean.

My parents said goodbye to me shortly after, to avoid attracting any more attention I guess. I went straight to my dorm instead, I really needed some rest.

Juno: Sorry again, I didn't want to get your parents involved, but 
Rowan — but I made you worry. I get it, you don't need to apologize.
Juno: Oh.

She hesitated for a few more moments, the same times it took me to lie in bed and close my eyes, before adding:

Juno: By the way, you're parents seem very cool guys, you know?


§HermioneSims§ corner

To close the chapter, this time I'd like to add some extra details about Juno's traits. Usually I don't share too many details about my sims traits, but in her case I really tried hard to make them show in her characterization.

So, her first trait is "Good". She's the kind of person who makes presents to Father Winter and tries to console the Easter Bunny!

Her second trait instead is "Childish". Thus, it's very frequent to see her play with toys in the background and other similar things.

Her third trait was named in the middle of this chapter instead, she's vegetarian too.